GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:KevinLee
People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论对个人行为负责相关的问题,题目认为个人行为并非是自己可以决定的,更多得是被外界左右。本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE93"The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making",和老GRE的ISSUE156"Choice is an illusion. In reality, our lives are controlled by the society in which we live"有互通之处。在分析的过程中,可以从个人责任的意义以及是否必要,影响个人行为的因素,外界对个人行为的影响方面和具体形式、程度等方面展开思考。
1. 如果不存在“个人责任”这个概念,人们的学习、工作、生活以及整个社会的发展都会出现哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 学习:不会主动学习,被动等老师灌输 工作:不负责任的工作使工作质量大打折扣 社会:一切非常混乱,没有秩序,没有人为社会负责,为工作负责,社会停滞发展
2. 让个人为自己的行为负责对于社会有哪些好处?请举例并简述。
回答: 责任约束个人行为,让人充分思考利弊去做事,给自己和他人带来好处。比如一个车间主任要为这个车间生产的零件负责,出现问题向他问责,这样他就会努力让次品率达到尽可能得小,进而让工厂、消费者收益
3. 人们的行为都受到哪些因素的影响?请举例并简述。(可从内因、外因两方面分别考虑)
回答: 人生观、价值观、当前潮流、社会意识形态、周围人行为
4. 外界因素在哪些情况下以何种方式影响着人们的行为?请举例并简述。
回答: 比如,在媒体层面影响人们行为,现在媒体一直在报道搀扶老人遭恶意诬告的事情,人们获取了这样的信息就会刻意回避帮助老人,以免麻烦。
5. 人们是否可以不顾外界环境的影响而进行自己的选择?如果可以,请举例;如果不可以,请解释原因。
回答: 大多数情况不可以,因为人是群居动物,会对周围人的做法回应。

Overwhelmingly influenced by developing of society and media, the author asserts that people's behavior is largely determined by outward forces instead of their own making. In my point of view, I am inclined to support the idea that the outward forces have much great impact on human's choices, making a plan completely irrelevant from others become harder now, which can be substantiated by the following discussions.

The first argument that can be presented to develop my position is that  various values, hobbies, social consensuses, conventions and fashions, all these factors influence us deeply. A good example may be found in the case that during the Africa era, from 1906 to 1910. When Picasso painted from life in Africa, he was influenced by the natural statuary of Africa, which encourage artists to face the most reality. Thus, Picasso pushed his paintings into the origin of art, embodying natural style to impress people. Under this circumstance, it is obvious that natural style inspiration of Picasso largely determined by the distinctive natural statuary of Africa.  

In addition, there is another reason for me to choose this statement. The reason is not far to seek in our life. To illustrate, let us consider various of responsibilities of us. Such as, teachers have the responsibility to teach well in every class, moving some negative emotion away from themselves during the work transitory. Employees have the responsibility to finish their tasks on time, improving the feat of their company. Hence, the responsibilities defined by social consensuses influence human's behavior greatly. If there is no such responsibilities, our society will become turmoil, lacking ethics and morals, the speed of developing will slow down.

Admittedly ,it may be true that some decisions can be made without accept other's idea.  For instance, the Microsoft Corporation has been a source of wonder for ages, however, when Bill Gates tore away Harvard university, he geared much stress from his teachers and friends. After weighed up the pros and cons, Bill made his choice without accept others' opinion and established the Microsoft Corporation, changing people's life widely. However, with the advanced media, interactions among people become more high-frequent than former, as a result, making a decision without accept others' idea become more difficult now.

In summary, due to the aforementioned reasons, I may safely come to the conclusion that the outward forces largely influence people's behavior.   


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