GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:杨鸿博
People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
相对于作为一个整体的社会,人们的态度更多的是由于他们当下的状况和环境来决定。 [说明:写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个说法达到什么程度,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个说法可能在哪些方面成立或者不成立,并解释你所考虑的这些东西如何体现你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE12"People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic"。题目的实质是比较人的社会大环境和所处的小环境对人们态度的影响。实际上,人们的态度会同时受到大环境和小环境的影响,这里需要比较哪种影响更大,并阐述理由。需要提醒的是,题目所说的“immediate situation or surroundings”是指目前的状况和环境,它们不一定是长期存在的。
1. 你所处的社会大环境在哪些具体的特点?这些特点是否曾经决定或影响了你对某些人或者事情的态度?如果有,请举例说明。
回答: 大多大学生读书上学就是为了以后挣钱,很少有真正为了学习知识而学习的,而且整体公民的素质比西方发达国家还较差,虽然中国尽量年经济发展较快,但是还是有很多人的生活水平无法和世界许多发达国家相比,以致社会中存在很多小偷,存在一些由于经济问题出现的违法行为。很多商人缺少良心和诚信,制造假冒伪劣产品,甚至有为了谋利而不顾人民健康制作劣质胶囊等劣质药物。教育上,应试教育比较严重,虽然正在进行改革,但是改变可以忽略不计,考试为了取得高分数而作弊等的很多,很严重!这样对于那些真正靠实力考试的人很不公平。
2. 描述一件因为某种状况或者环境而改变自己对某人或者某事态度的例子,并阐述为什么会有原来的态度,为什么会因为环境而改变。
回答: 看到自己以前看不起的朋友成功了或者在某一时刻做出了让自己难以很快接受的事时,一些人会做出很多改变,认为自己也应该努力,有所作为。等等,例子很多
3. 决定人对其他人或者事情的态度的因素有哪些?请举例说明。
4. 人在某些紧张状况或者环境中承受的压力和他们的社会认同感会如何影响人的态度?请举例说明。
If everyone is a member of a family,then our society should be our family.Is it true that people's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by society as a whole,as the speaker claimed?After weighing evidence,i found the assertion is not always correct.Because that individuals and a society are mutually dependent,the relationship between people and society is highly interlocked and related.First,it is usually what we see and hear every day that tend to change the way we think.As a highly advanced creature in the universe,we human beings always have the tendency to be sensitive to the things or surroundings.This is very easy to understand.Research has showed that intelligent people are more likely to hang out with intelligent people,and rich people are apt to live in a circle in which people are usually from higher class of the society.You probably heard of the law of attraction,i think the message it passes is that people with similar interests are more likely to be working together.From that point of view,i tend to agree with the speaker's assertion.Many examples can prove this.People are from various family and cultural background.Different people grew up in a different environment may form totally distinct view of the world.If someone grew up in a family that all the people in his or her family are artists,like painters.Without doubt,he or she may form an attitude or desire to become an artist just like his or her parents.Second,just like we have said that society is like a big family.Individuals and society as whole are mutually dependent.And that is to say that we can not judge whether society or immediate situation have more impact on people's attitude.Everyone has his or her own opinions and thoughts and,absolutely,different attitudes.In the less developed country where most people are poor or ill-bred,their society as whole becomes an ocean in which the water is not pure and clear.It is hard to imagine that the people there will have an positive attitude about life.In the contrary,people in a society where most people are educated and civilized.I believe that everyone there are polite and they will be more likely to hold a positive attitude.Ultimately,individuals who has extraordinary talents or power can have tremendous impact on society.Those people may not be someone that we can talk to face-to-face,but their impact on the society is invisibly marvelous.Bill Gates,for example,is someone who falls into this category.The products of Microsoft has stiffed into every people's every day life.Every who has access to a personal computer or internet are enjoying the intelligence of this individual.People read books about him,see news about him,many people set him as their role model to look up to.These people has estimable impact on our society,and in return,society,in many different ways,spread and amplify his impact on every individual in the society.In conclusion,society and people can be seen as a family.It is hard to determine whether people's immediate situation or surroundings or society as whole has more impact on people's attitudes.As individuals,we should do whatever we can to make contributions to our society so that more and more people can benefit from the things that can change our lives.
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