GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Panda
As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE66原题。题目讨论科技对人类影响的话题,题目分为两部分:第一部分陈述了一个大家都接受的事实——“人们越来越多的依赖于靠科技解决问题”;第二部分以这个事实为基础,给出了“依赖于科技必然会降低人类自我思考能力”的判断。题目不难理解,相关事例也有很多,分析时应当注意以下两点: 1、论述中始终要与“人们的自我思考能力”以及“解决问题”相关联,无论是讨论科技的正面作用还是负面作用,都应当以“有利于自我思考”或“有碍于自我思考”为方向。 2、可以静止独立的去对比分析,同时也可以采用动态发展的眼光去分析,影响程度的变化以及新情况的出现都可能会对判断产生影响。
1. 人们在平时的生活、工作、学习的过程中,都面对哪些问题?解决这些问题的方法都有什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 生活中面临很多信息不了解额问题,比如说想做三杯鸡给自己喝家里人吃。不知道怎么做。诸如此类。解决方法包含上网查菜谱,找靠谱的朋友问。去饭馆研究。 工作中面临的问题往往来源于接手新的任务。新任务的基本内容和方法,包括看以往工作资料。从相关同事那里学来。求助网友。 学习中的问题往往是学习方法和时间规划。学习方法通过上课,在朗播网上看帖子。和哥们聊,从老师那学灯方法获得。
2. 人们解决问题的方法在科技帮助下,在哪些方面得到了改进和突破?和原方法相比有了怎样的提高?效果如何?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我们搜寻信息通过信息科技能更快更直接更有效率。传统方法相对繁琐。 比如三杯鸡传统方法看我妈做,我学。新方法上网下菜谱自己做。前者依赖于我妈有时间,有功夫,有耐心,恰好在我有时间有工夫有耐心的时候做。 比如接手新任务等别人给教,别人未必给机会教,教的时候未必就不腹黑。但网上查询,求助网友都能得到相对单纯的解决方案。 学习中传统方法就是图书馆查书,现在网络检索快多了,宿舍就能解决战斗。
3. 人类的自我思考的能力在什么场合或者情况下会被用到?要思考哪些问题?请结合具体事例简述。
4. 科技能否代替思考能力?如果能,请举例;如果不能,为什么?
5. 有哪些原因会导致人类自我思考能力衰退?这些原因有哪些是科技造成的?思考能力的衰退与科技之间存在必然联系么?
I don't quite agree with the speaker's assumption. Even as the technology develped so much, we can't deny that people's mind changed a lot, but difference doesn't means 'dereriorate' as the speaker metioned. Changes might be in the positive way, or even made people have stronger ability to think for themselves.     If we ask a question that which section of technology changes most rapidly nowadays. I think no body would diagree that developing of internet is one of the most rapid domain.  Smartphone using especially, and smartphone is the relied the most for people these days. But do the people with smartphone thinking ability deteriorated? I can't agree so. More smartphone using bring more Apps, most of the Apps sending the information to the user.  To be a searcher, it's like swim in the ocean of information, and searching for the tiny starfish. How can we find it in a shrot time. The only solution is to improve our selfthinking ability. It is easyer to get the infomation (by google it for example) but more doesn't means accurate, there might be some fault. To intriguing the correct one, we need more alility with critical thinking. Such examples that new technology brings new thinking ability are not just in mordern life but insist with all the humanbeing history.    After the camera first invented, some of the art critist stated that the painting is dying, and deveopment of art   would be traped. But at the same time, impressionism was seeded. The artist didn't just paint what the saw, they also want to express what the felt. Not olny the light or color, but also the mood and insight. The ability of art thinking deveoped by the triggle of technology. And at the same time, photograph is developing in to a standalong form of visual art. Even more art is not olny in the field of paint or photo. With the technology rely, we have movies, experience art, activate art, interaction art and so on. Could we define this kind of change is "deteriorate"? I think it is just the opposite we have stronger secant of art that allow so many kinds of art being appriciated.   The techology like the tool of thinking, it helps us to think more efficient. or it offers us a new way to solve the problem. some of new tech make it easier to solve the problem which is hard before.  It save time and tailent for  humanbeing to do more explore. I won't deny some of the individual might using this kind saved time to do some useless thing. But it is not because of the technology. it's the unwillingness. so I have to say that the techonlogy brings us new thinking path, offering us the new efficient thinking tool, our mind and thinking ability is and will be changed alot. maybe more efficient, maybe more rapid, but not surely deteriorate.  
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