GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:strin
Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。(Claim – Reason) "本题为两道老GRE的ISSUE题目综合——ISSUE101 ""Governments should provide funding for artists so that the arts can flourish and be available to all people""和ISSUE85 ""Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts"".本题讨论政府应当对艺术采取的行为以及其目的和作用。 第一种观点中:对于题目中的前半句,可以从政府扶持艺术的正面与负面作用以及对艺术“物质、精神”两层次的影响去展开分析。对于后半句,可以从政府行为的必要性以及人们不同的需求层次上进行论述。 第二种观点里:给出的观点认为政府资助对艺术的纯洁性造成了威胁,具有负面作用。本题的分析可以从物质需求和精神追求两个角度展开,需要注意以下三点: 1、单词解释——Integrity一词比较有争议,这里选取韦氏字典中纯洁性的解释:firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility 2、逻辑关系——无论是正面作用还是负面作用,都要建立在“政府”和“艺术”之间,不要跳出限定范围。 2、选取例子——梵高等人已经被用烂了,这个题目和艺术有关,小说、电影、音乐、绘画等都可以包括,有很多事例是可以使用。"
1. 艺术的蓬勃发展需要什么基础?艺术如何让所有人都可以接触到?(可以从物质和精神两方面来思考)
回答: More often than not, the success and availability of art to people relies on its publicity. A high degree of publicity is not possible without the funding of the government. Furthermore, the support of government can in one way or another have impact on its people's passion for arts.
2. 政府资助艺术的目的是什么?对政府有什么好处?政府资助能满足问题一中艺术的哪些需求?
回答: The goal of government funding for art is to support creative activity and publicity of arts, which enriches its citizens' life and civilization. The yield of good arts is a legacy for human beings, which is a important responsibility for government and can affect its reputation. With better funding, arts can fulfill ideas using materials and equipments less limited in costs.
3. 政府资助对艺术会有哪些负作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: However, government funding could have a negative effect on the evolvement of arts. For example, over-emphasis of the economic aspects of arts could help grow utilitarian ideas, which may diminish the purity of art. As an illustrate, we see many street arts in the central area of 798, Beijng, but not great art works. The Beijing government's funding to turn the blocks into an art area has turned the local people's ideology for art from pure creation to money-driven works.
4. 艺术在获得政府资助之后,相对于之前会有什么样的变化?这些变化有哪些是正面的,哪些是负面的?
回答: Changes are doomed to come with government funding, of which some are positive, but some are negative. For the positive side, arts may become more accessible to local citizens, with an increase in the interest for arts. For the negative side, money becomes the power engine that drives the development of arts, which might be misleading for great artists.
5. 是否存在为了保持艺术纯洁性而拒绝政府资助的事例?是否存在接受政府资助之后丧失艺术纯洁性的事例?如果有,请简单描述事例。
回答: no.
6. 艺术的纯洁性是指什么?包括那些方面?怎样的行为就属于威胁或者丧失艺术的纯洁性?
回答: The purity of arts refers to the respect for beauty regardless of being poor or rich, noble or humble, young or old. It involves arts' attitude, ideology, philosophy and those build in their works. Behaviors that mix secularity, utilitarianism or materialism with arts are threatening the purity of arts.
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