GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:zhuifengxi
People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论对个人行为负责相关的问题,题目认为个人行为并非是自己可以决定的,更多得是被外界左右。本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE93"The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making",和老GRE的ISSUE156"Choice is an illusion. In reality, our lives are controlled by the society in which we live"有互通之处。在分析的过程中,可以从个人责任的意义以及是否必要,影响个人行为的因素,外界对个人行为的影响方面和具体形式、程度等方面展开思考。
1. 如果不存在“个人责任”这个概念,人们的学习、工作、生活以及整个社会的发展都会出现哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 学习上:不好好学习,剽窃plagiarize别人的学术成果,课堂上喧哗,吵闹 工作:假货、不良竞争 生活:为所欲为,不顾他人感受,如mid night在家开party,很大声,noisy很crazy,不顾邻居的感受
2. 让个人为自己的行为负责对于社会有哪些好处?请举例并简述。
回答: 1、大家如果都自我约束自我反省,那这个社会就会更和谐,例如在上公交车的时候自动排队,前门上后门下,这样有序又能提高效率 2、商人对自己的产品负责,特别是食品业、医药业,由于很多制造过程和原材料都不是透明的,所以凭良心和社会责任工作,对自己的产品负责,就不会有假货、劣货,人与人相互信任。 3、官员对自己的行为负责,就不会贪污腐败corrosion,晚完善公共设施等等,人民对政府更加信任、配合
3. 人们的行为都受到哪些因素的影响?请举例并简述。(可从内因、外因两方面分别考虑)
回答: 1.法律条款:如任何人都不能随意剥夺他们享有自由的权利,人人生而平等,不得损坏他们财产、人身利益:steal,plunder,murder 2.道德舆论:尊老爱幼,诚实友善,有礼貌 3.个人身份与社会地位:作为老师就应该以身作则,教书育人 4.个人原则 5.宗教信仰
4. 外界因素在哪些情况下以何种方式影响着人们的行为?请举例并简述。
5. 人们是否可以不顾外界环境的影响而进行自己的选择?如果可以,请举例;如果不可以,请解释原因。
正:(人是社会的动物,受到各种约束)human is the product of society, there's complex and indivisible relationship between the individuals and the society. so we should pay attention to our behavior,1.法律条款:如任何人都不能随意剥夺他们享有自由的权利,人人生而平等,不得损坏他们财产、人身利益:steal,plunder,murder
3、官员对自己的行为负责,就不会贪污腐败corrosion,晚完善公共设施等等,人民对政府更加信任、配合反:the obvious difference between human beings and animals is that we human beings have the ability to think, to make judgement and retrait. though the outer space leave a great pressure on us, we are our own master instead of slaves to other people's words. eg, if the artists all follow the modern trend and create works to crater the majority or satisfy the public's taste instead of express the composers' own thoughts and feelings, these works may at first glance be very popular, but a closer study reveals that those works lose their originality and characteristic. they're not great art, they're just the commodity produced in the force of lucre and fanshion. eg, we all know that the ones who record the history should be objective to the matters and no matter what others have comment on the events, they should record them as them actually are. it's considerable that the emperors all want to leave a great reputation  to the later generation, so they may sometimes give pressure to the writers and force them to distort the historical events. the outside pressure is surely bigger enough, however, most of the writters can make a right judgment and be responsible to the history as well as to the later generation. eg. copernicus was the first one to challenge the prevail geocentric theory as well as the  ecclesica. 
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