TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:willspears
【IBT机经-40】Which kind of universities do you prefer, universities whose graduates can find good jobs or universities where there are famous professors?
1. 衡量一个大学好坏的标准有哪些?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 大学好坏的衡量标准是排名,著名学者的数量,学生的就业率。比如说清华北大和二本院校,研究的设备,学者的质量和数量,学生的就业率都有很大差别学校的排名自然就有差别。
2. 你觉得,上大学的目的是什么,是准备工作、学习、还是其他的?请结合实际简述。
回答: 大学的目的是学习以及准备工作。比如说在上课的同时我们也会积极的参加社会的实践活动。
3. 什么样的工作才算好工作呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 自己感兴趣的工作,或者是收入极为可观的工作都是好工作。比如说一个大学生刚刚出来年薪达到百万的工作自然是好工作。
4. 大学能够为学生更好地就业创造哪些条件?这些准备工作能否依靠学生自身的努力来实现?请结合实际简述。
回答: 大学可以为学生创造很好的锻炼的平台,准备工作可以依靠学生的自身努力完成。比如说学校经常组织的就业演讲或者是就业模拟招聘,学生自己也可以提前进入社会来准备以后的工作阅历以及经验。
5. 那些著名的教授一般都具有哪些重要的品质?它对于一个学生会产生哪些影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 著名的教授要在自己的相关领域里有极高的造诣,发表过权威性的文章或者有很多促进学科发展的贡献。他可以让一个学生少走很多弯路,学到的东西极多。比如说钱文忠师从季羡林先生,季羡林身上学到了很多东西,丰富了自己的学术素养和阅历,最后也成为一个著名的学者。
When choosing wich university to enter, one have to consider many aspects of the unvniversity including its teachers and the situation of graduates. Someone might right think that unviersities owning famous professors is essential. In contrast, others believes that universities whose graduates can find good jobs is more imporant. As far as I am concerned, I think the latter one is more attractive based on the following reasons.The most common reason for people attending universities is to find a good job in the future. The situations of graduates can provide us useful information which guide us choose a properate university, Take me for example, when I once applied for the university, I choosed the universites among the ones which have high employment. The Central Univeristies of Finance and Economics, in which I am studing now, attracted me most since according to the survey, most of its gradutates ended up in many famous banks or financial organzations. By attending this kind of univerisities, there is growing possbilites for one having a good job with decent salary in the future, On the contrary, the universities with well-known professors cannot ensure you a briallant future. One of the proper reason is that they are famous for their reasearch but not teaching.Another reason I want to stress is that universites with students owning good jobs can demonstrate excellent teachers in schools. As we can see, if one can get a job after graduation, he or she must acquire basic knowledge and basic skills in univerisites and get a better understanding of his or her major than others. These sound mentality needs excellent porfessor to guide and teach them.The obvious benefit we can get from choosing the universities whose graduates can find good jobs is getting schloarships. As we all know that, some of the graduates find good jobs after leaving shchools and some of them are willing to thanks the universities for its education by donating a large amount money to universites. These money always used to reward students who have outstanding grade. There fore, it is good choice for those poor students to get tutoring expense by applying schloarship.From the analysis above, there are so many benefits we can gain from choosing universities whose graduates can find good jobs, it can offer us bright future, talent teachers and schloarships. Obviously, it is more wise to choose this kind of universites.
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