TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:willspears
【IBT机经-14】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends?
1. 在你看来,老朋友之间的感情是怎样的?这种感情是否会随着时间空间的变化而减弱吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 老朋友之间的感情是及其稳固的,这种感情会随着时间和空间的变化减弱,比如说很过从小玩到大的伙伴上了大学之后感觉就淡了。
2. 即使搬到一个新的地方,老朋友一定会丧失吗?有没有什么方式和他们依然保持联系?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 老朋友不一定丧失,可以隔一段时间就去拜访,或者通过qq,微信保持联系。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,在一个新的地方,难免会认识到新的朋友,扩大你的交际圈,你觉得这是一件好事还是坏事?
回答: 结实新朋友是个好事情,在网络时代朋友就是安身立命的根本。
4. 请结合实际简述,新的城市或国家会给你带来什么新的东西?
回答: 比如来到成都,给我带来了对自己新的认识和新的感知,是自己更加的完美。
5. 你觉得个人发展和友情,哪个对你来说更重要?请结合实际简述。
回答: 个人发展更重要,只有自己发展了才有稳定的友情。比如说乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克,如果两个人的发展轨迹真的不同就不会有友谊。
There was a different time when internet became popular.  Nowadays, it is definitly  common phenomenon to move to a new city or country for the job. There are many multination companies in the world. And the company can order you to go to another country  to do the job.Many people are worried about losing  their old friends. However, as far as I am concerned , it's really not a big deal if you are concerned  about that.  Many people are worried about what influence in their social circle. But there are so many smart phones, which make it convenient to communicate with each other. there are so many apps on apple  store. twitter, blog, wechat are good apps, for example.the easier way to communicate with others the more chance to keep your relationship  in your social cycle. In our time, we have seen so much example s that couple of friend separate in different country but they seem  really close with each other. That is where the power of internet. At the same time, you feel quite  different when old friends are not around you. But in a short time, you will meet some new friends. The function of friends is just the same.  You can hang out with your new friends, and  directly new friends can help you in your job, as they are much closer with you  and know your situation. In this view, new friends make sense in your new job. here is a prime example. The one of the best basketball player  Yao Ming moved to NBA to have a better career. In NBA, he met so many NBA players and they became friends. After joining in  NBA, his reputation gets really high and his skills in basketball was increased so fast. And he keep  his relationship with his chinese friends.  However, old friends is not as useless as we might suppose. when you come to a new city for the first time in a while , you might feel so lonely. At that time, your new friends  will help you get out that situation . When moving to a new city or country, you can keep relationship with your old friends through all forms of communication. At the same time, you meet and make new friends, who help you adapt to your new surroundings quickly. As a conclusion, moving to a new city or country is not always such a bad thing.
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