TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:maomaoyu
【IBT机经-14】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends?
1. 在你看来,老朋友之间的感情是怎样的?这种感情是否会随着时间空间的变化而减弱吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: d
2. 即使搬到一个新的地方,老朋友一定会丧失吗?有没有什么方式和他们依然保持联系?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: d
3. 请结合具体事例简述,在一个新的地方,难免会认识到新的朋友,扩大你的交际圈,你觉得这是一件好事还是坏事?
回答: d
4. 请结合实际简述,新的城市或国家会给你带来什么新的东西?
回答: d
5. 你觉得个人发展和友情,哪个对你来说更重要?请结合实际简述。
回答: d
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends?Nowadays, as the society develops faster and faster, many new lifestyles have emerged and the differences between cities have become more obvious, which leads to the increasing curiosity and wish to move to new cities to experience new life. However, this trend is questioned by many people that it will cause the loss of old friends since they can't go together. Whether it's a good thing to move to a new city has been under heated discussion. From my point of view, moving to another city is definitely a good option.First of all,  we actually won't lose old friends because of the communicative technologies. Various methods such as Wechat, QQ, MSN and cellphones can be used to keep track of old friends and retain the friendship. Though we may not meet each other everyday,  we can still talk to each other and pay attention to each other's life. Besides, we can see friends by using computers and our Iphones. Modern technology has made it very easy and convenience. Take me for example, I was living in Jang Su before I was 20, I made lots of friends in my birthplace. But I moved to Ji Lin with my parents and went to Jilin University. I once thought I may lose connection with my former friends owing to the long distance. But on the contrary, I indeed talked to them more often on the internet, we set up a QQ group and shared the amazing things happened in our life. It seemed I could experience life in two cities. Now, I feel even close to my old friends even we don't live in the same city and hang out together.Besides, moving to new cities can broad our horizon and enrich our lives. Only in this way can we seek opportunities to develop our views, especially in big and international cities. In different cities,  people have distinctive lifestyles, notions and appetites for various things. It is by contacting with these innovative new things can we acquire wider knowledge and understandings of life and what life we really want compared with the former life. New experiences also provide endless talking tops with old friends. Just imagine that my friends in Jiang Su talk to me about his adventure in Zhong Shanling, a tourist attraction in Nan Jing, and I talk to him my trip to the Changbai Mountian, a marvelous and established mountian in Ji Lin. We shared our expenditures and showed each other pictures of such famous places. How fantastic it is to travel on foot as well as on the cellphone. Though moving to a new city would have some disadvantages of not talking and seeing old friends person to person and not being able to hang out and play sports with them, the compensation brought by modern technologies has been great enough to dwarf the drawbacks.  The advantages of connecting by cellphones and other online tools and the continuous interesting topics in different cities to chat are really very supportive and attracting. In conclusion, I hold form that if we get the chance to move to a new city, we should go. We will not lose our former friends.
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