TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:alexwang19
【IBT机经-20】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your company's office.
1. 自己的家有什么特点?家会给你带来什么样的感觉?请结合实际简述。
回答: 自己家的特点就是一切都让自己感觉舒适与熟悉。家会给人带来舒适,放松的感觉。比如,到公司上班,每日会形成固定的节奏,这会使人进入到一种紧张的状态中。而家里不会产生这种感觉。
2. 办公室的功能是什么,它有什么特点?请结合实际简述。
3. 有人说在家工作很自由很舒服,你是怎么看待这种说法的,为什么?
4. 也有人说办公室的工作环境可以提高人们的工作效率,而在家工作会很散漫,你同意吗,为什么?
5. 如果让你选择的话,工作的时候你是追求效率还是追求舒适度?请结合实际简述你的观点。
  It is the time of high technology.It provides a plenty of opportunities to people who can choose to alter their working place that they can be in anywhere and still participate in their work.  There is an opinion that it is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your company`s office.According to this issue,I can not totally go along with this idea.  In a modern company,people  more and more focus on the culture and the inspiration of the company.But if faculties do not come to company to work,how to show the culture and inspiration of the company?The real problem is the online working really bring a plenty of advantages,but it also influence the relationship and cooperation of colleagues.  Furthermore,for some faculties who are less self-discipline,they can not work at home effectively.It is another problem remained.Who can have the authority to work at home or somewhere else?Or everyone who work for the company have the right to work at home?I am favor of this opinion that I firmly believe not every faculties have the right to work at home except who shows the excellent capacity of working can have the right.  Additionally,in company,in your work place,everything is arranged for working,the only aim is working.But at home,it is the place you sleep,watch TV and eat.Maybe you can do a great job at your home,but you can not participate to the group of your company and enjoy the circumstance of your group and share their inspiration and various intellectual brain.  At the last but not the least,nonetheless I prefer to work at company,I still should claim that there are many advantages in the online work too.Because even out of your home,you still can work where have wifi and mobile device.It is a new field in the perspective business and work that we should pay more attention.  From what we discussed above,we can safely draw the conclusion that in reality it is better working in your company than working at your home.But we still need know the direction of the tendency of working in business that the online work will dominate the field of work.  
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