GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Ambery
Teachers' salaries should be based on their students' academic performance. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
1. 对于教师,他们的职责都有哪些?在教学过程中,这些职责通过哪些内容体现出来?请举例并简述。
回答: 教知识,教做人。教知识:上下课。教做人:老师自身。
2. 学生成绩能否完全体现教师的表现是否合格?请分析并简述。
回答: 不能。学生成绩主要原因还是在学生自身,同样的班级,同样的听课时间,学生的差距还是很大。 摘:不能,有些同学可能就是天赋异禀,老师水平不高学生成绩也可能很好,可能这个学校本来入学门槛就高,学生本身聪明,自学能力强;或者,老师考核不严格,题目很简单,不能反映学生学习和老师教授水平;学生都高分的办法也很多,提前找老师要重点,作弊,等等;或者,老师教课的时候不是强调的书本上的内容,而是素质教育,培养学生能力,这些都很难在统一的考试中体现
3. 如果将教师的工资和学生的成绩挂钩,对学生的学习会有哪些正面和负面的影响?请分别阐述。
回答: 正面:老师会更用心 负面:对于差生和优等生的态度会更加分化。老师可能会为了学生的成绩透题。。 只注重成绩,忽略其他方面的培养。
4. 如果将教师的工资和学生的成绩挂钩,对教师的行为会有哪些正面和负面的影响?请分别阐述。
回答: 正面:更积极主动,备课上课更加认真 负面:压力大,毕竟学生的最终成绩和老师并无太大关联。
5. 如果让你去决定,那么教师的工资应该怎样核算?
回答: 小初高工资均衡,可以适当因为初高中工作时间的加长而增加一点加班补偿。大学主要以科研,论文发表为主。学生成绩可以作为工资核算的标准,但应该仅占一小部分。还有学生的反馈,也可以决定老师部分的工资。
      Students' academic performances is mostly determined by students themselves rather than the teaching quality of teachers, so basing their salary on students score is unfair. It is common that students who have the same teacher and the equal class hour achieve distinctive academic scores, with one students being the top students among the class and the other being the last among the whole grade. Therefore, students' exam results have little or even nothing to do with the teacher himself because they are mostly depend on the student himself. The teacher teach the same thing to all his students, but the eventual grade depends on the student's diligence and intelligence. The result will usually be satisfying for hard-working students and for those who just idle during the class, their score will be predictably unsatisfying. As students' performances on exams are largely due to their own efforts, to pay teachers according to the performances is unconvincing.       Moreover, many schools divide students into class with different level to ensure their enrollment rate. In this way, a teacher's salary will be affected by the class level, so those who teaching class with lower level may never get the salary he deserves because of the bad performance of the students, but those lucky ones who teach intelligent class will be really well-paid since he has the best students in the grade. This mode of paying is unjust and not scientific either.       In addition, to elevate teachers' salary considering their students academic skills will bring out more negative influence than the good one. It may even trigger the exam-oriented exam. A teacher's duty is far from just imparting knowledge. They are also mentor for the young generation, teaching their moral principles and how to be a good person. However,if their salary has relation with their students' performances, they may only focus on the academy instead of other important skills, which may be more important than academic performances. Thus, the students may become a machine only good at taking exams and this makes the student the victim of education. A survey was conducted by a Chinese newspaper agency to learn about the current situation of the students with the highest score in the college entrance exam in ten years. To the reports surprise, none of them have achieved anything. A complete tragedy of exam-oriented education. Also, the 
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