GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Hermione
Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force.
1. 请结合你的背景知识回答:教育是如何提倡的“忠诚是美德”?这样做的目的是什么?教育通过哪些具体措施给人们传递了这种观点?
回答: Tell people the one who possess the virtue of loyalty will get live a good life or have a desirable result of his loyal conducts.Instead,someone who do not have that virtue will get a horrible consequence.Emphasize the importance of loyalty.Through movies,stories and songs.
2. 对朋友的忠诚在什么情况下有正面意义,什么情况下是负面行为?请集合具体事例阐述。
回答: If a friend just commit a crime,the loyalty to the friend will not be a virtue to conceal his illicit conducts.If a friend is isolated for pursuing of truth or his dream,the loyalty will be inspring to him.
3. 对某人自己学校的忠诚都可以表现在哪些行为上?这些行为哪些是正当的,哪些是存在问题的?请结合具体事例阐述。
回答: Many prominent figures often patronate his almamater in fund or propoganda his almamater's vantage to attract more eminent students.Help his school to conceal some deception of the result of research,which store a trouble in future in the research field.
4. 是否存在因为过分的不理性忠诚(愚忠)而导致的对个人、家庭、社会国家的负面作用的事例?请举例并简述。
回答: If a husband cannot be loyal to his wife and find another woman fot lust,the relationship between the couple will be fragile,which will bring quarlles and have a negative influence on their children.If a citizen who assume an important part in a company or in an apartment of a country,unloyalty will engender some irreparable disasters to the company and the country.
5. 如果一个人对朋友、工作或任何机构没有任何忠诚,会有怎样的后果?
回答: There is no bussiness secrets.Every company can plagiarize the patent from other companies.
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