GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force.
1. 请结合你的背景知识回答:教育是如何提倡的“忠诚是美德”?这样做的目的是什么?教育通过哪些具体措施给人们传递了这种观点?
回答: 从小教育我们要忠于党,忠于国家,说谁谁宁死不屈等。目的是教育人们要忠于国家。
2. 对朋友的忠诚在什么情况下有正面意义,什么情况下是负面行为?请集合具体事例阐述。
回答: 在朋友的事情不违法法律规定,符合道德规范的情况下,对朋友的忠诚有正面意义。在违法法律或者道德的时候,负面行为。比如说朋友出轨,帮着朋友瞒着家里人。
3. 对某人自己学校的忠诚都可以表现在哪些行为上?这些行为哪些是正当的,哪些是存在问题的?请结合具体事例阐述。
回答: 基本说自己学校的好处,不做危害于学校的事情。要看什么事情,比如说“谁爹是李刚”的案子中,河北大学的学生要说出事实的真相,表面上看这是不忠于学校,但是却是正义的行为。
4. 是否存在因为过分的不理性忠诚(愚忠)而导致的对个人、家庭、社会国家的负面作用的事例?请举例并简述。
5. 如果一个人对朋友、工作或任何机构没有任何忠诚,会有怎样的后果?
Is loyalty all too often a destructive rather than a positive force? I do not agree with this statement. I believe that loyalty is a kind of virtue. The determine factor that whether it is a destructive or a positive force is loyalty‘s object rather than loyalty itself.
First of all, if loyalty's object is beyond the range of law or morality, loyalty is a destructive force. Because in this case, loyalty will compromise society and justice. But if loyalty's object accord with law or morality, loyalty is a positive. Because in this case, loyalty will protect society and justice. Li Gang's case presents a relevant example for analysis. Li Gang who is a leader in HeBei University had an traffic accident because of drunk drive. HeBei University forbidden students talking about this case to media in oder to protect its leader. But some brave students expose this case in internet. We can not consider students in this case to be loyal to their school, because they disobeyed the oder from their university. But these students were brave because they are loyal to truth. And their loyalty to truth is positive force to protect justice for society.
Anther example of loyalty involves Hitler. Hitler who was a leader in Germany during world war two. Although he slaughter a huge surplus of people and his measures were very brutal, his armies called Nazi were very loyal to Hitler. They fulfilled Hitler's oder to erode other country and slaughter other country's people. In this case, Nazi's loyalty to their country is destructive force because it compromised society and justice and a larger number of losses came from Nazi's loyalty. These are only two examples of when loyalty is destructive force and when loyalty is positive force.
Secondly, loyalty is a kind of virtue. Loyalty renders trust between people, which people can cooperate with others to fulfill target. If there is no loyalty, there will be no trust. And the world be loneliness. Professional football players present a appropriate for analysis. Professional football players consist modern football which is the most popular sports in the world. However, sometimes some professional football will transfer from one team to the other team for kinds of reasons. But when they finish their transfer, they must also transfer their loyalties to their new team. Because they are professional players, even adversary is their last team. It is just loyalty that protect the justice of match and purity of sports. In this case, loyalty is positive force.
So, loyalty is an excellent virtue to protect the justice. Destructive or positive force is determined by object of loyalty, rather than loyalty itself.
[21:25 - 22:30] -> 65分钟, 442.

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