GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field. [Specific Task Instruction: D114Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
1. 请分别列举在某领域中来自专家和非专家的两个判断,并简述这些判断经过之后的事实检验后的结果。
回答: 动车事故。专家说是遭雷电打击造成设备中断才停车撞车,但是民众认为是人为造成,即系统管理不合理,工作人员之间信息不通畅,因此才撞车。最后权威官方消息为后者属实。可以说审判,民众觉得某个人罪大恶极,想让他死,法官最后木有判他死刑,因为专业上看构不成死刑。如辛普森案。
2. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些优势?请举例并简述。
回答: 专家具有其他人在其领域所没有的专业知识,看待问题的角度也会从其专业领域出发,观察到其他人所看不到的点。
3. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 容易受已有的条条框框束缚思想。
4. 仅相信专家的判断力对某一个领域的发展有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 一定程度上有助于我们对于该专业领域的了解,得到了非专业领域人员没有的知识;并且可以获得其专业领域较深刻的见解和看法。但是,只相信专家的判断力不免过于片面,而且会过于局限性,对于任何事物,我们不仅要从微观-及专业领域-角度理解,更应从宏观的角度看待,比如对于社会发展,人类文明进步的影响等。
The speaker claims that work in any field can be judged only by experts in that field. I concede that experts' judgements are usually valuable for related fields,however,in my view,the speaker? claim is too absolute.The experts cannot monopolize truth.

The expert can be defined as a person with a high degree of skill or knowledge in a certain subject or field,and so their opinions are of considerable value.Yet,the novices do not have such expertise,which could distinguish the experts from less experienced people.In many domains,there are objective measures of performance capable of distinguishing experts from novices:for example,expert chess players will almost win games against recreational or less experienced ones;the expert medical specialists are more likely to diagnose a disease correctly.

Particularly in the field of physical science, the judgements of experts are more valuable than that of amateurs.The reason for this is that scientific theories and methods are so complicated that long-term systematic learning is required.But amateurs have no capacity or opportunity for that.For example,consider the complex equations that physicists rely upon to draw conclusions about the nature of matter,time and space,or the origins and future of the universe.Only professional physicists can understand this type of theoretical work and give meaningful judgements.In contrary,it is a herculean task for amateurs who do not acquire enough knowledge and skills.

However,experts are not always the spokespersons of the truth.First,the perception of humans are limited.And we can acquire a small part of the whole information about the world through our eyes,ears and other sensory organs.There is no exception even for experts.Second,experts may have more advantages on reasoning than common people.Yet,even the reasoning of experts are not perfect and great intellectuals cannot avoid making mistakes.For instance,Aristotle had once wrongly believed that the velocity of falling body had a positive correlation of its mass.Newton had mistakenly negated that light has the properties of waves.And Einstein had also made a mistake while understanding quantum mechanics.Last,some experts might have unknown interest relationship with some demagogues or autocracy.If so,the judgements given by these experts seems objective and valuable,however,actually lies they are.For example,in today? China,these alleged experts play a vital role in any overall fraud of the society,helping government cheat individuals. So,what experts said cannot represent the truth.

The above analysis might remind us of a bare fact:although experts have a high degree of knowledge and skill in certain field,believing in them blindly would backfire.Every person could have the ability to judge what is right and what is wrong,what is permitted and what is forbidden.Once we have enough information and knowledge in certain subjects or fields,we would also offer valuable analysis and judgement.Thus,it is not necessary to deify the experts.

In sum,experts can give meaningful judgements in a certain subject or field for their high degree of knowledge and skill.However,experts are humans and cannot avoid making mistakes.Therefore,experts are not the spokesperson of the truth,and it is not necessary to believe in them blindly.
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