TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dddns
In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.
1. 你或者身边的人学生时代打过工吗?都做过什么样的工作?
回答: 同学大多假期打工,增加社会经验
2. 你们为什么会那时打工呢?
回答: 增加社会经验、挣零花钱,减轻家里的负担、好玩。。。
3. 打工经历让你学到了什么?
回答: 钱不是那么容易挣的;认识到整个社会而不局限于校园;认识不同领域的朋友;团队协作的乐趣;
4. 你们打工时有没有一些不好的遭遇?遭遇过什么?
5. 这些学到的东西对你以后的人生有什么启发?
Currently, it is a common practise that teenagers works as waitors or waitreses at Mcdonal's or Starbucks in their spare time. However, parents and educations are having different opinions about whether it is a good idea for them to do so. I believe students should definitely have working experiences.
Firstly, working help students gain various essential skills, e.g. communication skills, organizing skills and leader ship. To complete tasks, students have to deal with their subordinates, colleagues and superior officers. These interactions are much complex than those in an academic environment. And thus students can quickly hone their communication skills, organization skills and leadership.
Besides, working experiences teach students many important values, e.g. independence and team work.
Thirdly, working experiencecs help students widen their circles. By working, students can meet people from backgrounds which are drastically different from theirs.
Last but not least, it is obvious that jobs offer financial benifits  to students. By working, students can make pocket money, pay tuitions and living expenses. I can back up this point with a ture story. Liang Luoyu, my college roommate, came from an underprivileged family in Gansu, underdeveloped inner province of northwest china. Both of his parents are cotton peasants who had lost their land in the industrialization of China, had to work at varius construction sites in the city. They made less than 1.000 Yuan a month, the equivalent of 120 U.S dollars. There is no way that his parents could afford his college education. As a result, my friend took a part time job as a waiter at a local Mcdonal's. Working 10 hours a week, he was paid 200 Yuan. It was largely because of my friend's part-time job that my friend could complete his college education.
I concede that having jobs can have negative effects on teenagers under certain circumstances. For instance, if students spend an inordinate amount of time on working, their academic performance might drop. However, as long as parents and educators cangive students proper duigance to help them arrange their time properly. I would say there will be nothing to worry about.
In conclusion, teenagers who take jobs i their spare time really have nice experiencees which means a lot for their future.
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