TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:precious
In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.
1. 你或者身边的人学生时代打过工吗?都做过什么样的工作?
回答: yes, my friends and I use our free time do part-time job
2. 你们为什么会那时打工呢?
回答: to earn more social experience and develop our international skills
3. 打工经历让你学到了什么?
回答: from that experience let me know how to communicate with stranger and how to deal with some emergercy
4. 你们打工时有没有一些不好的遭遇?遭遇过什么?
回答: when I and my friend served a Japanese restaurant,a customer disturbed other people and always dissatisfied food. He creates a disturbance
5. 这些学到的东西对你以后的人生有什么启发?
回答: having those skills like communication and deal with emergency, it can put our a favorable position in the future job market
In our university life, we can do lots of things not only attain to our professional knowledge, but also use some free time to do part-time job. I think that teenagers should have a job while they are still student, which can teach students how to communicate with others , deal with some emergency and provide them more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills.First, part-time job will provide students with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job market. For example, in the past, i was very shy and even could not communicate with others.For change this situation and  become more talktive, I decided to apply a part-time job. When I work on a restaurant,I need to communicate with different people during working time. Gradually, I like to talk with others and become like to make friends. Having part-time job give my chance to develop my interpersonal skills.Second, part-time job can also teach students how to deal with some emergency. Take my friend for example. She did some different part-time jobs while she was a student. When she worked on a coffee shop,  a man who created chaos and disturbed others, she regulated the contradictions of the man and other guests. She told me that experience taught her how to deal with this situations and keep calm.However, some students spend much time on part-time job. That is not a good situation. If students focus on job, they would ignore their study. It is unappropriated that they spend much time on job which may lead their GPA failed.A proper part-time job does not occupy student's too much time. In fact, it can help us develop our interpersonal skills and teach our how to deal with something which is unpredictable. I believe that teenagers should have a job while they are still students.
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