GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
政府不应该去资助任何预期结果不明确的科学研究 。[说明:写一篇文章,讨论你对于这个政策的观点,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个政策生效以后可能带来的结果,并解释这些结果如何支持了你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE44"Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear"。题目实际上是讨论结果不明确的科学研究是否有价值,是否应该获得政府支持的问题。分析的重点应该是两个:一是研究结果的确定性是否和研究的价值有关系;二是政府投资应该考虑哪些问题。
1. 描述一个结果并不确定的研究内容,并分析这一研究是否有价值,为什么?
回答: 元素周期表的研究和制定;这一研究是有价值的,因为它把自然界中看似不相关的元素统一起来,理顺了自然界化学物质的顺序和性质,揭示了物质世界的秘密,并用来发现和预测未知的元素及其性质;帮助纠正对一些已知元素的认识错误,譬如金的原子量
2. 从政府角度出发,判断某一研究是否有价值的依据有哪些?
回答: 对人类的进步和文明有益的
3. 描述一个国家支持的研究项目,其结果在研究前是不确定的。分析研究后产生的结果给国家带来了什么好处和问题。
回答: Manhattan Project:为了先于纳粹德国制造出原子弹,动员了10万多人参加这一工程,历时3年,耗资20亿美元,于1945年7月16日成功地进行了世界上第一次核爆炸,并按计划制造出两颗实用的原子弹。好处:推动了二战的提前结束,这一工程的成功促进了第二次世界大战后系统工程的发展。提供军事地位,巩固国防,为本国带来利益。让人们会使用核。原子弹销毁后,里面的核原料可以用来发电。问题:危害人类生命安全,为世界和平产生不安定因素。破坏环境。原子弹试验对环境和人类健康带来巨大危害:比如,1965年1月,一次相当于广岛原子弹能量10倍的地下核试验使大面积的地面塌陷,形成了一个宽400米、长800米的湖。数百次的地下核试验使大面积的地面塌陷,形成了长宽都超过5000米的湖泊。这一地区的草原受到了大面积污染,这里的地下结构和生态系统都遭到了严重的破坏。牧民们也受到了辐射,一些人的孩子都不断出现了新的遗传疾病和生理缺陷。
4. 科学研究通常会给国家、社会和人类带来什么好处和问题?请举例说明。
回答: 国家:提高国家在国际上的竞争力和地位,比如spacecraft的研究,为抢占太空领域做出贡献社会:科技进步可以促进社会各方面发展,比如经济、就业等;研究需要仪器设备,带动了制造业的发展人类:为人类生活提供便利,比如pc的发展,手机的发展
The speaker asserts that government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. I concede that government should be cautious about the scientific research whose results are unclear,sometimes hazardous.However,in my view,risks are unavoidable when humans discovered the unknown. 

It is necessary that government are prudent about the scientific research whose results are unclear.Scientific research is a two-edged sword.On the one hand,it contributes to astounding improvements in lifestyle and society.On the other hand,it may easily bring disaster if improperly used---whether consciously or not.Suppose the terrorists acquire the ability to produce nuclear weapons,bringing about dangers even greater than suicide attacks and localized threats.And if cloning technology were widely used on human-beings,ignoring legal and ethical issues,it would throw chaos into our ordered society.Therefore,government has the responsibility to monitor scientific research whose results are unpredictable.

However,if government cut off the financial support to the research due to its uncertainty,we may miss many great discoveries which could dramatically improve the well-being.Research is by nature a work whose result is uncertain.All scientific research start with hypotheses and assumptions,with the purpose of exploring untapped frontiers.In the process of research,as evidence accumulates to a convincing degree,scientists can compare data with theory,and corroborate or disprove the hypotheses and assumptions.In this respect,scientific research whose result is unclear is not rare,but the norm.Actually,research whose results are more elusive often bring benefits to mankind.Manipulation of DNA for agriculture and disease fighting has led to profound improvements in human health and nourishment.The agricultural scientists who launched such research did not anticipate such widescale effects.Research of nuclear reactions initially conducted by the Nazi Germany as an exploration for new weapons were ironically used to terminate the warfare,and nuclear power has now become an effective source of energy throughout the world.If the criterion against whether scientific research should be funded is narrowly confined to its apparent immediate consequences,scientific development will be seriously undermined.

Consequently,risks and uncertainty are unavoidable when humans discovered the unknown world. We cannot stop the step of scientific discovery due to the uncertainty and risks of results.When the consequences of research are elusive and even risky,government should consider how to handle it with the minimal expense,rather than cutting financial support on it.Otherwise,we may miss many great discoveries which would change our lifestyle and make society progress because of fear of risk and uncertainty.

In sum,it is necessary that government should be prudent about the scientific research whose results are unclear.However,the uncertainty and risk of scientific research are unavoidable.So,the government should not only monitor these research,but also offer enough financial support.Otherwise,we would miss many great inventions which would change our life.
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