GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:200548057
The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.
1. 你是否遇到过没有选择的情况?如果有,请具体描述这个事件,并分析出现没有选择的情况的根源是什么。
回答: 南开选择;必须保研,必须回天津
2. 导致人们出现没有选择的情况的原因有哪些?这些原因是否经常会出现?请举例说明。(你可以从人的本性,社会因素等角度来考虑)
回答: 经济情况,社会压力,家人期盼,责任感
3. 什么样的人往往会没有选择?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 关注与他人意见,更愿意考虑别人的意见和想法,服从于社会,对自己理想不够坚持
4. 什么样的人不会没有选择,或者会有很多选择?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 想得开的人,做什么都很认真也会很好的完成的人
The speaker asserts that it is hard to find a time that we have no choice. In my view, I agree with the speaker. Almost every moment we have to choose what we should go nest step. Though it is sometime that seems have no choice, it is we have chosen, compromise, or the presence of responsibility.
 If you observe our life, nearly everything around needs us to find, draw a comparison and select. From the morning we set up, what breakfast you want; what brand of milk you choose; which dress in your cachet you wanna to show, edc. not only the food or other commodities, what is more important, what major you will pursuit in your university; what career you wonder to promote as your vacation; even what man you chose to live together for your life as a soul mate . It is hard to us to find a thing have no choice but one way in normal life.
 However, though it looks like the opportunities are so many that we nearly hard to chose one and abandon another, we still always hear one sentence that: I have not choice but what. In my opinion it is not they really have no choice but they have already deny other options which means they have already do the choice. With the hard pressure of circumstance, and the modern society is so respect in the rate of return, it is really hard to us to consist in our selection, no matter the reason of finance or others. Have you ever heard a law school student says that drawing is his dream; have you ever heard a business man in his old day hopping to be a violinist if he could choose again. It is not we have no choice but we have to compromise to the reality.
Additionally, responsibility is another character to us to give up some opportunity and only leave one way to go through. Facing to yeggman, it is the responsibility that make police advance bravely, even knowing it is a way losing their life. They have choice to elude the weapon and keep their young life but the mind and the professional quality that long time practiced drive them going alone without turn back.
As a conclusion, it is real that full of choice deem into our life, but because of the reality, the pressure of life, and the responsibility that let us compromise to our dream and deny other options which seems like we have no choice.
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