GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.
1. 你是否遇到过没有选择的情况?如果有,请具体描述这个事件,并分析出现没有选择的情况的根源是什么。
回答: 有。父母要求你干一些事情有时候是没有选择的,这源自父母的权威,和传统的道德观念。
2. 导致人们出现没有选择的情况的原因有哪些?这些原因是否经常会出现?请举例说明。(你可以从人的本性,社会因素等角度来考虑)
回答: 人的惰性,导致最终没有给自己留下选择的余地。人的相互关联性,这种关系有时不得不让你没有选择的可能。弱势群体。
3. 什么样的人往往会没有选择?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 弱者往往没有选择。舟曲的灾民没有选择只能每天吃方便面,住着潮热漏水的帐篷生活。
4. 什么样的人不会没有选择,或者会有很多选择?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 强者,无论是经济上,知识技术上,权利上占有优势的人会有很多的选择。在经济上占有优势的人,充裕的财富使得他在物质上有更多的选择。知识技术上占优势的人,在选择工作岗位,和工资的时候能凭自己的想法决定。权利上占优势的人,有些人会利用这些权利为自己赢得更多的选择,比如工作上人员的调整,利益伙伴的选择。
Choice is the right people will obtain when they once born. It exists omnipresent becoming the vital part of people's life. I basically agree with the contention of the speaker that the absence of choice is a circumastance that is very, very rare.
In our daily life, we have to face a hundreds choices from getting up to step out of home we have made a set of choices. Most of them is spontanious and some is obvious. Geting out of bed may seems a nature thing for us, but at the same time we choice not to go to sleep. When we brush teeth we have choosed not to other things at this peoried. Those  habitate thing for us actually implicate the choice on after another. But for us like what kind of breakfast to eat is a visible choice place infront of us. People always only see those thing as a choice but ignore the other normal thing may be the one either. In some point our world is the result of our choice. The current government is selevted by poeple, the present situation of the world and the amount of population all stem from the choice of people. All those choices belong to the people's free will, however when the choiced thing is significant and serious people decide to limit the qualification of the paticipant and that's product of choice right. This kind of right is not truly mean you cannot make choise only because your choice do not be admitted.   
Sometimes for a human being the absence of choice is actually the situation which one have to make due to the outside enviornment and condtion. And people may always misunderstand such thing as none choice. Take the parents order for example, as the kid we have always obey their rules even though our behavior refuse but our psychology confess their postition.Such thing is come from the ethics in human's society.which restrict our behavior. Whereas if those thing does not exist, chidren can have the choicevto deny the prestige of such rules as well which will also casuse lot of trouble in our society. But we have to confess this choice is trully exists. Similarity, before 18 everyone may have the experience of taking the education, the choice to accept the education is not because we have no other choice is due to the basic need for live a life in human's society. Like the prey will choose to run but not stay still when face the predator, it is the living regulation for all the creatures.
At the same time, we should also see the point that there indeed exist the situation without any choice-----the law of nature. People cannot decide when to born and il , the processure of old and the result of die.Those things are beyoned people's ability to make a choice, in that case we have to only accept their happen. For those catsstrophe, earthquick, tsunami, typhoon, we cannot choise their happen but to accept the fact. The only choice we can do is to minimize the sacrifice  in the lowest level. Human being have the ability to decide their own will but is unable to meddle the nature's will. We like other creature only as the indepent indivisual live in it, any behavior that try to change the appearence of nature will bring the disastrous outcome. Like the river pollution will finally punish the people in turn which let the people who eat fish in it and drink the water ill or die.
As the final conclusion, we have to commit the situation of absent choise is indeed rare, but we cannot deny their existense, The choice of people is the gife of us but which also may lead the misery result to us if we abuse them.
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