TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:贝贝
What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.
1. 你觉得你的父母有什么地方需要改变?
回答: change the ming that considering me a extend of their life.
2. 你觉得你的父母有什么地方做得好?
回答: provide everything that is good to my growing up.
3. 你希望成为一位怎样的父亲/母亲?
回答: I am not interested in being a father.
4. 你觉得父母的好品质对孩子有什么影响?
回答: The children may imitate what their parents did and then establish their good habits.
    It is obvious that no
one parents would be experienced before they have a son or daughter and each
parent want to become a successful one, or at least a good one. So generalizing
what are some of the qualities of a good parent is suppose to be meaningful.

    First of all, a parent
should never consider their children to be the extend of their lives. In this
case, there are no duties on their children's head to finish some goal that
their parent didn't. When I was young, I often head some complain of the classmates
that their parents impose them playing violin, practicing drawings or do
some extra excises. My classmates claimed that looking at their friends playing
outsides while playing instruments, they felt desperate. I think this emotion
do great harm to their growing.

    The second, in the
educational area, a wise parents are supposed to lead their children to learn.
My parents I still remember did quite well in guiding me. At that time, I
was preparing a competition on mechanism. At the beginning of the contest, I
was busy making without any planes. 2 days passed, nothing have been done. At
the nick of time, parents said I need a definite procedure of making a design
and manufacture rather than working crazily aimless. During the contest, my
parents never told me the answer directly but the way to access the answer.
After this affair, I learnt that it is not the what I did but how to do that

    The last characteristic
a good parents must have is never using violent to their children. I regard this
factor very very elementary. A parent which always take violent measures to let
their children do something equal to beasts, let alone a good parent.
According to a statistic, a huge percentage among the psychological problem
of teenagers result from family violence.

    At the end, I would like
to summaries the ideas mentioned above. A good parent is a parent without
coercion as well as violence. Also the parent is good at guiding their
children. That is the good parent I define.

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