GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王珑
If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable"。题目讨论实现目标的途径方法合理性的问题,题目认为为了实现值得的目标,任何方式都是合理的。大多数人看到这种极端判断题目一般都会采用反对题目观点的思路,通过列举“通过任何方式”可能的危害和反例去来展开自己的论证;如果选择赞成题目观点,则需要论述这种判断的合理性,并且通过论点组织回避掉各种潜在的危害。对于ISSUE,文章观点没有对错好坏之分,论证清晰完整即可。需要注意的是题目涉及话题很抽象,所以要通过具体事例和分析将论证做好,切记不要在文章中只是喊口号说空话,要言之有物。
1. 判断一个目标是否值得都应当从哪些方面考虑?请举例并简述。
回答: 一个目标是否值得,应该从以下几个方面考虑,首先,对自己或别人带来多大影响,带来多大的好处,影响和好处越大就越值得去做。再次,目标的合理性,如果目标是不好的,损人的,有坏处的,那么这个目标是不值得去做的。最后,是达到目标付出的代价,如果代价大过目标得到的回报,那是不值得的。
2. 请结合某一具体情况和目标(比如:在学校考试得高分、在运动场上获得金牌等),尽可能全面的列举可以采用的各种方式。这些方式哪些是正规合理的,哪些不是?
回答: 商家按照规则进行合理收费,保障了消费者的合法权益,也获得了盈利;对于交通违法的罚款,交警通过交通规则合理罚款,这都是合理的达到目标的。运动场上通过服用兴奋剂获得金牌,找工作面试的时候找后门,学生通过和老师搞好关系来提升自己的成绩,商家夸大产品功能来实现更大的销售,这些都是通过不合理的方式达到目的的。
3. 使用不合理方式取得成功的同时会有哪些潜在危害或损失?请举例并简述。(可以从对自己、对他人、直接影响、间接影响、短期影响、长远影响等角度考虑)
回答: 使用不合理方式获得成功对自己虽然有好处,但是对他人的利益造成了损害,会引发他人对自己的不满。然后会导致别人也使用不合理方式达到目的,最终使得社会不公平,形成社会风气,对大多数人来说是不公平的。
4. 请列举因为尝试采用不正当方式去达到自己的目标造成对本人、团队、家庭、社会、国家造成负面影响的事例。
回答: 贪官贪污救济物质和经费,使得灾区人民不能得到足够的支持,对受灾人民造成了巨大的困难。一个足球队里的人受了贿赂,踢假球,对观众,对球队,对教练都是一种伤害,而且导致人们对球队失去信心。有些不法分子通过欺骗的手段贩卖某品牌假货,导致人们使用该产品对该品牌的印象极差,以后都不会去买该品牌产品。
   To evaluate if a goal is worth,we should consider about several first,the target will take how much benefit to us,the more benifit bring ,the goal is more worth to achieve.futhermore,if the return from the goal is smaller than the expend,this goal is not worth to gain last,we should engage in the reasonable goal,some goal is not good for the society,that will be rejiected.Some people believe that if a goal is worth to achieve,it can be attain by any means.i would claim that we should attain our goal by reasonable method.if we take any means to gain our goal,the world will be in chaos.
     The reason for this is that we can not get our goal by extreme method.if merchant sell goods as a high price not as the standard regulation,most of us can not afford to buy it.the seller get a high profit.but for most customer,this is not beneficial and unfair for them,they can not get such goods because of  the price.the merchant only care about his benifit and ignore the customer's obvious the merchant's goal is earn money,but if he overlook the customer's purchasing power,only focus on the benefit they get,it is not a goal should be chased.
  so we should establish some good goals instead of harmful goals.thai is ,we should avoid  some unjustifiable goals and build a goal by proper means.maybe some reasonable goals is not worth to do from superficial,but it's potential benifit is huge.futhermore,some unreasonable goals is worthy to do is good for them directly.but it will be harm to other people.for instance,a football palyer get a bribe,then he make the team lost the match,it will hurt their teammate,coach and spectators,lead their fan do not trust the team we need to set up a good goals to attend,or we will step on the wrong way.
  in a word,if a goal is reasonable and worthy,we would obtain it by any means.only in this way are we able to built a  harmonious society.
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