TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蛋蛋先生
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.
1. 你喜欢自学还是有老师教导?为什么?
回答: I prefer to have a teacher to guide me for their advices can prevent me from doing someting useless and their experience can identify my problems and tell me how to deal with them.
2. 你的同学喜欢自学还是有老师教导?为什么?
回答: Some of them prefer to study by themselves, because they think someimes teacher tend to say things they have already known which is a waste of time.
3. 自学有什么好处?会遇到什么困难?
回答: To develop the ability of self-learning and gain insight of things when they counter problems. However, sometimes people tend to go to wrong direction and accumulate problems.
4. 有老师教导会有什么好处?会遇到什么问题?
回答: Is more efficient when it comes to solving problems and have more recourses. Sometimes may do not adapt to the teaching stlye of the teachers and do some useless things.
5. 除了这两种途径以外,你还能想到什么学习的途径?具体描述一个。
回答: stuay with companions or go to study group.
Thanks to the exposition of Internet, people can access to the vast quanlity of information on various fields. Therefore, the one who want to gain knowledge do not have to go to traditional school to study with teachers, he can do it by himself which is a way many people will choose.
Since teachers have plenty of experience and are the experts of certain field, they can help students gain the knowledge in short time. They can quickly identify students' problems and help them figure out valid solutions.

With teachers’ supervision, one can secure the rate of study progress. Teachers are likely to assign homework to make sure students master what they have learned in class and have a strict schedule. On the contrary, people who study alone are always having a hard time carrying on their original ambitious plans. When I learned how to swim, my teacher was very demanding and asked us to practice every day. Although it was quite painful to beat my laziness, I feel appreciate for her strictness to make me become a good swimmer.
Although it’s very convenient to study by oneself for the flexibility of time, location and material, studying with teacher is superior regarding to the result of study.
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