TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王迪
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: I often use computer. Computer play an irrepalcealbe role in my life because it provides a highly efficient and fairly cheap life style.
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
回答: My study and entertainment activities are more convenient than the time when computers were unavailable. When I studied in the middle school, computers were unavailable in our shcool library. At that time, the scarce storage of the physics books and English reading materials couldn't meet the large demand for reading. What's worse, I had nothing to do but copy the materials by hand when the paper for reproducing was run out. It was so time-consuming and the copies were unconvient to carry. However, the situation is converted definitely when I attend college. I can google any related information and copy it in my flash memory disk which is really time-saving and easy to carry. In terms of the entertainment, I can enjoy my favourate songs and movies at any time and any place with my panel computer. The most important of all, the computer provides a cheap way for me as a student to apprecaite songs and movies compared to going to the theater or buying a CD. I remembered that once I liked a song called the Stealth Wings upon listening to it. I immediately downloaded it from the Internet for free. Besides, computers bridge my friends with me. After graduation, my friends and I scattered in distant corners of the world. But we can share the happiness of one's success with computers. We cultivate and nourish healthy relationships.
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
回答: Admittedly, boons as computers are to the modern society, they might cause damage to individual life. Children who indulge in computer games cannot concentrate on study and will fall behind. As a result, they might lose the opportunity to get further education and fail to make a bright outlook. People who obsess on electronic communicative instruments such as Facebook and MSN, will overlook face-to-face contacts. Overtime, people will feel emotionally isolated. People relying on computers to work always worry about their computers being infected by viruses or breaking down when they are dealing with impormant affairs. Moreover, people show increased concern about their computers being attacked by hackers and private information being stolen.
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: Astronomers would have to calculate all the technical parameters of a spaceship by hand and therefore mankind's dream of landing on the moon would not come true so quickly. Without a computer, a stockbroker couldn't trace and take advantage of the stock prices on the main trading floors in the whole world to make a good deal. Students must waste plenty of time in the library searching materials concerning about the knowledge and information they need. These materials may be incomplete as well. People couldn't enjoy various entertaining programs and must burden remarkable expenditure for going to theater or buying albums.
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
回答: High-tech products like computers help people learn about what is going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding of the world they live in. High-tech products provide a lot of interesting programs for entertainment that many people can enjoy after a long day's work. The visual effects make people feel less stressed and more relaxed. The most impormant of all, high-tech products are changing the way people think and live. This statement is evidented from the phenomena that people talk about the shared experiences and information on net, that Obama's speech patterns are being used all over the world and that some popular words, for instance "hacker" , have been collected into the Webster Dictionary.
Computers are playing a more and more important role in the daily life. Boon as it is to the modern society, its negative influences have drawn people's attentions. In my opinion, I agree with the statement that computers have made life easier and more convenient because the positive effects of computers on the people's lives far outweigh negative ones.
Firstly, computers make distinguish contributions to the development of science and technique, which allow people work much more efficiently. If it were not computers, astronomers would have to calculate all the technical parameters of a spaceship by hand and therefore mankind's dream of landing on the moon would not come true so quickly. Without a computer, a stockbroker couldn't trace and take advantage of the stock prices on the main trading floors in the whole world to make a good deal.
Secondly, people's study and entertainment activities are more convenient than the time when computers were unavailable. When I was in the middle school, computers were unavailable in our school library. At that time, the scarce storage of the physics books and English reading materials couldn't meet the large demand for reading. What's worse, I even copied the materials by hand when the paper for reproducing was run out. It was so time-consuming and the copies were inconvenient to carry. However, the situation is converted definitely when I attend college. I can google any related information and copy it in my flash memory disk which is really time-saving and easy to carry.
In terms of the entertainment, I can enjoy my favorite songs and movies at any time and any place with my panel computer. Besides, the computer provides a cheap way for me as a student to appreciate songs and movies compared to going to the theater or buying a CD.  Once I liked a song called the Stealth Wings upon listening to it. I immediately downloaded it from the Internet for free.At last, computers help people learn about what's going on in the world around them, especially what  the lives of good friends far away are going on. Computers construct a bridge between my friends and me. After graduation, my friends and I scattered in distant corners of the world. Thanks to computers, we can share the happiness of one's success and face difficulties by offering advices. So far from graduation, we have been cultivating healthy relationships.
Admittedly, computers bring an element of negative impacts on people's lives. The statement can be evidenced from the phenomena of indulging in the computer games, lacking face-to-face contacts and private information being stolen by hackers. However, benefits brought by computers cannot be overshadowed by the drawbacks of computers for these flaws can be overcome through people's self-discipline and government regulation.
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