GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Rainy龙龙
Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
1. 怎样评价学习某个专业是否可能成功或者不可能成功?应该参考哪些因素?请举例并简述。
回答: 对这个专业有没有兴趣,如果非常讨厌一个专业是很难成功的。身边有没有从事这个专业的专业人员,如果没有任何相关的信息来源可参考信息,一个人摸索也很难成功。个人能力素质是否足够,比如身体弱小虚弱的人不适合当举重运动员,色盲不适合当画家。
2. 如果没能形成正确的价值理念标准,而仅仅为了“成功”而选择专业,会有哪些潜在的问题和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 出现专业过热,学的人过多,市场饱和,很多学生就业难。忽略了真正擅长或者热爱的专业,造成遗憾。
3. 除了为以后的成功做准备以外,在大学阶段,学生应该锻炼哪些其他能力?怎样进行这些能力的锻炼?请举例并简述。
回答: 应该拓展知识面,学习一些基础学科的基础课程,而不是只学习专业课。应该锻炼自己的社交能力,多参加社团,多和同学交流探讨。具备良好的心理素质和身体素质,多进行体育运动,而不是一味学习做书呆子。
4. 在毕业之后的工作和生活中,是否只有专业知识才是有用的?如果不是,还有哪些知识是有用的?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 基本的文学知识和写作能力非常重要。因为无论从事哪个专业,都要具备与人书面沟通和阅读材料的能力。
5. 教育机构应该对学生的学习和发展起到怎样的引导作用?都应该如何去做?请分析并简述。
回答: 教育机构应该多给学生提供学习发展的机会和空间,而不是限制或者制约学生的学习环境。比如,教育机构应该丰富教学内容,给学生学习各种知识的机会。而且应该放宽对于专业成绩的限制,使得学生能够有更多的时间去了解别的专业,找到真正适合自己的专业。
As the development of modern technology, our society need more persons who are outstanding in their fields. These elites often have high income and are admired. So some educators’ acclaim that educational institution has a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.
However, I do not totally agree with this theory.
With beginning, it is hard to define the "succeed". I believe everyone has his own standards about succeed. Obviously, some person pursued money and some are obsessed in reputation in their lives, instead, I just want to do the fields which I interested in and it means succeed for me. Therefore, educational institutions cannot find the fields of study that students are unlikely to succeed.
Moreover, every student has his or her own background and private disadvantages. It is impossible to predict their future. On the other hand, as time flies, students' interests and abilities would change. These changes will affect their achievement in the future. Even educational institutions divide students as different fields, as past experiences, a lot of elites in their fields haven't learned the same major in the college.  
Then, learning some primarily knowledge is very important for every student. For example, Language is necessary for every excellent person even if he is a doctor or engineer. Educational institutions should not prevent students of science study English. If they did, these students would be short of reading and writing abilities.
Although educational institutions want to bring up more elites for society, they should not keep from students learning.
The real responsibility of educational institutions should be providing better studying environment and abundance sources of studying. In addition, they should decline their standards for major course so that students have enough time to learn more knowledge in different courses, and find their real interests。
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