GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:benjamin_431
Most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously, even when they claim to admire them.
对于本题,如果不同意的话,是相对容易的,举反例要比正面论证简单,只要反例合理成立,那么原命题自然就被推翻;如果反对,就属于the ugly truth类的命题,越是剖析人们的弱点和不足,越是需要大家把论述过程做得有理有据充实饱满。同时要格外注意后半句的“尽管社会声称敬仰他们”,所以无论举例还是分析,都要满足这个前提,很多人会忽视这一点而偏题。
1. 请结合具体事例简单描述几个时代以及和这些时代对应的伟大思想家。在这些时代中的社会是如何对待他们的思想家?
回答: 1 Kant 支持,早期研究数学与自然科学,开讲座,名声大噪 critique of pure reason,critique of practical reason, critique of aesthetic juegement. 2 schopenhauer 早年不为人所知 死后名声大噪 3 Dietzsche 早年不为人所知,老年时名声大噪, 4 Adam Smith 年轻由于出版The Theory of Moral Sentiments而名声出名,之后由于The Wealth of Nations,名声大噪
2. 上一问中社会对伟大思想家的态度和行为是否合理?思想家以及其相关思想在那些时代之前、之中、之后都得到了什么样的对待?
回答: 1 研究数学与自然科学,哲学思想在五十多岁的时候才面世,然后受到社会的尊敬,但同时也被当权的宗教分子所打压。之后更多人研究他的作品 2 早年无人知晓,中年有短暂与黑格尔合作但有分道扬镳,去世后影响了欧洲五十年 3 45岁之前都被人忽略,死后一百年间对德国乃至世界有深厚的影响
3. 怎么样才算是真正认真对待某人?对于伟大的思想家,社会应当怎样去做?
回答: 伟大思想家的作品应该得到社会的客观地对待,不受当时意识形态的影响而仔细研究。
4. 把伟大思想家当回事会有什么效果?仅仅声称尊敬但是不当回事会有什么效果?完全无视他们又会有什么效果?请结合具体实例简述。
回答: 1 社会会讨论他的作品,他的思想会受到不同程度的赞美与批判 2 仅仅尊敬但不研究,如叔本华中年,则对社会无影响 3 完全无视,则对社会无影响(尼采)
The thoughts of those greatest thinkers still make impact on people even after their death. However, when he alive, most of their thoughts can hardly be accepted by commen people. it is not a tragedy, because it is hard to ask people outside his fields to understand his enduring study. In some aspect, the statement that most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously, even when they claim to admire them, is reasonbale.society,governed by a few aristocrat, is normally multiculture in the modern age. People are differently educated according their gift and grade. However, the greatest thinkers, who are knowledgeable, can see a much more broaden sight than commen people. Their integrated thoughts are more complicated than the fragment most people understanded. how can people understand the great thought without basic education? it seems difficult for them to accept.One of the greatest thinker of Germany in eighteen centry is Kant. He open a new door for the development of philosophy. However, at that age of religion still control the society, few people can understand his three famous book of critique: the critique of pure ration, the critique of pure practice and critique of pure aesthetic. When he alive, his thought was inhibited by people in charge but loyal to their religion. never mention the common people who are lack of education and suffer from the war.To greatest thinker itself, some of their thoughts are flash of inspiration.their thoughts are too deep for those common people. The founder of gametheory, John Nath, when he distrubuted his thought to others, even those who were good at mathematics can hardly understand his discovery. Even after his thoughts is accepted by the academy, when news paper had a report on this thinker.  People rarely read his books. Because his work is too hard for most people to take seriously. common people can only read some introduction.Maybe a greatest thinker should never be taken seriously. When they are taken seriously, they may be distorted by the fame. Some scholars, who used to be at the peak of his field, are busy in wasting his time on Talk Show. The talk show of course can give him a fame, but when some of them have a little fame, they are too fenetic at others' compliances, which contributed nothing on the deep thought. They just know about scholar, but not really understand him.In sum, I considered that in some aspect, the statement that most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously, even when they claim to admire them, is partly right.
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