TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:为为
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在孩提时都玩过哪些游戏?玩游戏给你带来了什么?
回答: those games make me strong, some of my best friends are meet in the games. When i was a child, I played a lot of games, such as finding friends, flying kate, growing trees,
2. 长大后,你还玩游戏吗?都玩什么游戏?
回答: when I was grown up, I also play games such as table tennis,  
3. 跟小时候相比,你觉得长大后玩的游戏有什么变化?
回答: the game we played when we grown up is more complacated.
4. 成年人和小孩子玩游戏的目的有何不同?
回答: adaults play games in order to make new friends, to relax, some in order to get close to their boss. but children only play games for fun.
5. 如果人长大了不玩游戏,那会玩什么来打发闲暇时间?
回答: If adults do not paly games, they will spend their time in shopping, and wathcing TV
Games are as important for adults as they are for children
As we all know, games can appear anywhere, whether in China or in america, whether in the class  or during ding business. People play games all their lives from a child to an adult. I do agree with the statement that games are as important for adults as they are for children.
Here I have some reasons to explain. Games are important to children, I play varies of games when I was a child, such as flying kate, finding friends,  riding bicycles together and so on. We not only meeting lots of friends when we plauy games, we learn a lot at the same time. When we played a new game, the one who learn faster can alwasys win, freom then on, I understand the importance of study hard and the ability to learn by myself.
Games are also important to adults, after five days working, adults always choose relax themsleves on weekand. The best choise is date with a group of friends to play games. such as play basketball, play table football, go to KTV to sing a sang. Adults  play games not only for relax, but also have other intentions, meeting new friends, getting closer to their boss to get a better job, know their new friends better and so on.
If adults do not have games, they can only choose to stay at home alone and stay far away from their friends, they can't relax themselves when they have pressure or tired. The life is not like what it should be.
From what we have mentioned before, the games is important to children, as well as adults. Even though the games between these two kinds of people are different, the adults' game are much harder and complecated, the importance of the game are the same. As a result, games are as important for adults as they are for children
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