TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在孩提时都玩过哪些游戏?玩游戏给你带来了什么?
回答: 捉迷藏,快乐,回忆 , 很快乐,锻炼身体,亲近大自然
2. 长大后,你还玩游戏吗?都玩什么游戏?
回答: 长大后还经常玩,玩一些有剧情的游戏,一开始去寻求不能体会的生活和世界,最后发现游戏就像小说,告诉了我们一些生活的精华,甚至一些哲理。我现在印象最深刻的就是空之轨迹
3. 跟小时候相比,你觉得长大后玩的游戏有什么变化?
回答: 游戏变化很大,现在玩都是一些不太需要所谓技术的游戏,而且很看重游戏的内容,小时候确实是为了好玩有趣。现在的游戏我会选择一些可以带给我思考的。甚至为了体会不同的文化。学习一些东西。有时候又愿意玩一些休闲小游戏,例如打牌和手机游戏。
4. 成年人和小孩子玩游戏的目的有何不同?
回答: 小孩子玩游戏为了有趣,很多孩子玩游戏是处于新鲜好奇,还有刺激,是他们渴望长大,体验生活的一种表达。而我认为成年人玩游戏更多是在游戏中领悟生活体验生活。另外就是休闲。因为平时过度忙碌,游戏也是一种放松身心的方法。
5. 如果人长大了不玩游戏,那会玩什么来打发闲暇时间?
回答: 上网,旅游,看书等
When it comes to talking about the games, many people tend to think that playing games exert great important influence on the lives of young children and less important role in adult's lives. But others oppose it because games is equally important to children and grown people. As for me, I am inclined to the later idea. For one, with the development of society, the adult have to find proper outlet to relieve the striking stress. For other thing, playing games is the best way to communicate with their children and narrow the generation gap. One contribution of playing games for adult is that it could provide a goood approach to lower their working pressure, thus, they would enjoy their lives better. For example, my uncle, Victor, working in a highly competitive company and he feel great stress about his job. Before he played games, he could not seek other efficient way to relieve his stress. One day, he found that his child usually wears smile on face. Soon after, he knew that his child would obtain his pleasure from games. So he attempts to play simple computer games and indeed he gets a lot of comfit from it. Thus, he does not feel great pressure and he could complete his assignment with passion and efficient.Apart from gain happiness from it, playing computer games could provide a proper way to narrow the generation gap, and thus, the family relationship would become more harmonious.Take my uncle family as an example, before he played computer games, he almost never had communication with his child and little by little, the discrepancy between him and his child becomes bigger and bigger. Since the computer games enters into my uncle lives, he found that they have the common topic and talk with each other about how to resolve the difficult confronted at the computer games. They family relationship turns very harmonious.However, playing computer games would produce negative effect on children and adult. If youngsters spend more time addicting in the computer games, the physical and mental development would be impaired. At the same time, if adult people spends too much time playing games, they could lose more chioce to guide their children's behaviores and sometime lead their chidlren to harmful condition. Thus, this negative effect is not the consequence that many family want to see. So play games centainly have benefits, but we could not addict at games.In sum, from all the reasons explained above, I could safely come to the conclusion that playing games is equally important to children and adult. But, to some extent, we could not put ourselves into it.
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