TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:mojiangjiang
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你会跟家人或朋友一起看电视吗?看的时候会聊些什么?看了之后,你们还会再讨论吗?
回答: 一起看,讨论电视里引发的话题,如谈话节目提到对于frustration的看法,父母就会提醒我要怎么面对挫折
2. 平常你跟家人和朋友是怎么交流的?
回答: 在做别的事情的时候顺便提到某个话题,然后进行讨论
3. 如果家里没有了电视,你现在跟朋友和家人的交流会有什么改变?
回答: 平时在餐桌前讨论,现在变到电视机前讨论
4. 除了看电视的原因,你觉得还有其它的什么因素影响了你跟家人和朋友间的交流?
回答: 忙于自己的事情、网络的发展
5. 现代新技术产品的生产对人们生活有什么影响?
回答: 让人们交流变得更方便,也剥夺了许多交流的时间
Coincidenct with the fast development of televison is the remarkbaly high speed of increase of the number of people who are watching TV. According to the latest report launched by Peking University reflects that within the recent 10 years the number of people have rised about 12 times faster than last 10 years in China and in everage, every Chiese family has 1.3 sets of televison. This result strongly substaintiate the fact that watching TV is becoming more and more popular nowadays. However, somebody is worried about the negative effects of TV that it might destroy people's communication, which is unfounded in my point of view. TV benifits our commication with both familiy and friend for watching TV provides not only situation but also topic and matierals for communication.
Since the popularity of TV, living room become a new location where family and friends can get together and talk about something. 15 years ago, when my family didn't have TV, I could only talk with my parents when having dinner on the table. After that, we usually seperated and did our own things. However, once we had the first TV set, we often came together and communicating in front of TV after dinner. Therefore our time for communicating increase but not reduces after the appearance of TV, so watching TV adds an excellent situation and time for people to talk, which benifit the communication of people.
In addition, the programs presented on TV could provide people with topic and materials of communication becase the various topics which can lead and widen richer content of talking. While watching a Chinese talk show, like The Operah Show in America, most topics have close relationship with our life, which intiate considerablly great number of communication. Once people in the programe talked about their frustration and how to face it, my parents immidiately told me their experiences about frustration and adversity and educated me how to face this hard period and deal with problems. In other situations, after watching a certain TV dramma, people can talk about the figures and plots of that dramma with their friends at party or on the Internet. So TV also benifits the communication after watching that.
We cannot ignore the minor disadvatage of TV for people's communication, just as some people said. People might over concentrate to TV program to deal with and talk with other people around them, which must destroy the situation of communication. What's more, due to addiction to TV, it cost to much time of people so that they have little time left for communication. In additon, people might talk much about others on TV but ignore the life, jobs and emotion of themselves, which also does harm to people's effeciency and significance of talking.
In general, although TV have some light possibity that might have some negative effects on people's communication, it do more help than harm to humans' talking, because watching TV adds new situations and topic not only when but also aftering doing so, which widens the quantity and quality of human's communication.
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