GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:陈梦怡
Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题和老GRE的ISSUE53"College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government"有相似之处。题目的大范围是关于教育的,具体的说是讨论教育资金应该由个人承担还是政府承担,分析的重点应该是政府和高等教育的关系,学生个体和高等教育的关系,以及资金及其来源于高等教育的关系。
1. 了解一下目前世界上一些国家的教育制度和体系,描述其中某一个或几个国家政府对高等教育的管理和资金支持情况。
回答: 德国:州政府对教育享有高度自治权及出资义务,联邦政府负责立法、资金支持,确保高等教育机会、质量和专业结构在各州之间的平衡;一直免费,近些年为了提高学生的按时毕业率和经费使用率,才计划对超过一定年限的学生收取费用。法国:高等教育也是一种公共服务,只是当收取少量注册费,约没人每年200欧元,经费85%来自政府。英国的大学不由政府举办,而是作为独立的法人,但大学主要的经费来自政府资助,政府资助的主要方式是,替学生缴纳费用,向学生提供奖学金,提供基础科研经费和竞争性项目经费。 lhzm
2. 大学里的学生一般都要支付哪些费用?他们的经济状况和经济来源如何?政府对学生有什么补贴?
回答: 学费、课本费、生活费 学校仅对生活困难或成绩优异学生补助,但金额不大,其他比如师范生补助
3. 政府资助大学的目的是什么?这些目的是否可以通过其他途径得到?
回答: 1.提供家庭贫困学生学习机会 2.吸引学生到师范学校学习,支教 --》欠发达地区学生提供教育机会 1.通过到社会(校友)募集资金,助学贷款 2.对支教补助,工作优先、当地住房
4. 了解并计算一下,大学的运营费用是怎样的,如果支持一个有一万名在校生的大学,政府需要投入多少资金?
回答: 100 million
5. 政府付费之后(经济问题被解决之后)可能出现哪些正面或负面结果?
回答: 正面:提高素质,培养;促进社会的公平和谐;教育资源合理分配 负面:财政压力;当今即问题被解决之后,学校如果自身不能合理的安排和利用,就会造成浪费,和更大的社会资源的浪费和损失;由于上大学可以有钱拿而上学,浪费
The auther claim governments should offer a free university education to any college student who cannot afford the tuition.At first glance,it seemes to be somewhat convincing,but further reflection reveals it omit some substantial concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the recommendation.In my point of view, governments should offer these college students some helps,but free fees is not the best idea of them.
It is important to educate students with complicated and professional knowledge for a society.One with professional knoweledge and technology may creat much more than hundrends of times value than a normal workers,although both works are needed for the society.So government should promise students who are smart and creativity can finish college and learn what they interested to become what the society need.
The government education investment is limited,which means if they put much into affording students attending the school,consindering the big number of students,they will have less to research and education fundamental facility.Besides,offering free education may also cause the situation that students go to college not for studying and exploring the knowledge but for avioding unemployment,which is ironic.Comparing to free education,education credit and scholarship for students who perform fantasticly are better,which can not only help students finish college,but also push students work harder.
To sum up,due to the above mentioned reasons,which sometimes correlate with each other to generate an intergrate whole and thus become more convincing than any single one of them,I may conclude that governments should help any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition to finish his college,but demand he to pay back.
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