GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:林西抹抹茶
All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本次改编自老GRE的ISSUE154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators"。题目讨论教育参与者范围的问题。在分析的过程中,可以从:父母、专业的教育人员在教育过程中分别的优势和不足、教育对二者的需要以及等父母参与到学校教育之后的理由等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举几个国家或学校的教育情况,对比分析这些教育中,家长的参与情况以及学生整体表现情况。
回答: 中国:家长较少参与,更多的是给学生强压很多课程班级,造成压力。 美国:家长较多参与,例如学校中的亲自互动活动等,可以促进家长更加了解学生在学校的状况,并且有利于亲子关系,使学生天性更好发挥。
2. 父母可以通过哪些形式参与到学校教育中?请举例并简述。
回答: 亲自互动课程,运动会,研讨会。
3. 父母的参与对于教育有哪些帮助和意义?请举例并简述。
回答: 了解学校课程,孩子在学校的表现,孩子与老师和同学的相处情况。有利于拉近亲子间的关系,有利于人格的培养。
4. 专业的教育者在进行教育的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 优势:提供专业上的先进知识,对于知识普及有极大的帮助。 不足:只注重知识的传递,而忽略了其他问题:儿童个性,情绪,学生人际关系。
5. 将教育仅交给专业的教育者是否存在不足?如果会,有哪些不足?如果不会,请说明理由。
回答: 有不足。教育者无法将精力投入到每一个孩子身上,很难平衡专业知识和课余学生管理的关系。不利于学生心理健康的发展。
as the adjustment and modification of the current educational system,  the widely spread attentions are paid to students, not just on the exam score, but rather the overall abilities, including their social abilities,  critical thinking.  It becomes one of the trends that, parents are required to voluntee time and efforts in education as well.

with the participation of their parents,  students may feel free and without embarrassment, for they know deep down in their minds that they are accompanied by their dearest families,  which will reconsile their anxiousness.

parents will have more access to the have  a better view of students' life, instead of staying at home, wondering and desperate to find a way to know their children outside their houses. with more common communication and interaction with school teachers,  they can solve more problems and provide their children better education.

However, not all parents have time and efforts to be part of their children's education, for the simple reason that they are busy and always working late. under such circumstance,  the show-up of parents will definitely turn into a huge pressure imposed on both parents and students, and obviously have a counterproductive effect. Just like the parents of zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, they maintain that more freedom should be given to children, and never interfere with their daily life for whatever the reason.
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