GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:siwei
Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE223"Education is primarily a personal matter; it has little to do with school or college"。题目讨论教育相关性的问题,题目认为学习和个人更有关,同学校没有多少关系。分析的过程中,可以从学习的目标、学习形式、学习内容、个人与学校之间的关系以及对学习的重要性等方面展开思路。对于此题这种对比型的题目(个人和学校之间对比),需要注意不应该孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 学习和个人的关系是什么?学习在个人成长、生活、工作中起到了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 一个人一生都在学习,不仅局限于学校中学到的东西,任何自己不熟悉但通过了解相关知识后由生到熟并且灵活运用的过程就是学习的过程,成长中学会生活技能,如认路,识字, 通过学习不同的技艺如厨艺 驾车也能令你更好地适应社会,工作中对软实力比如人际关系和意志的磨练和学习,学习是人成长和生活的必须过程。
2. 学校在学习中扮演什么样的角色?学校能为学生的学习提供哪些条件?请举例并简述。
回答: 学校在学习中扮演者引导者和为学生提供学习环境以及人际环境的地方,是一般的学生学习生涯中最为重要的一个地方,学校能为学生提供引导入门,答疑解惑的师资,提供学习的器械和良好环境,比如一个热爱自然科学实验的学生,在家里就一般没有条件使用大型或精密的实验仪器,喜欢乐器的学生,有了老师的教授,会更加快的学习自己想学的乐器,另外如果自己没有条件购买贵重的乐器如钢琴,学校也可以练习的乐器和场地,喜欢体育的学生在学校可以很容易的组队比赛和使用体育场地。
3. 除了在学校中接受教育,还可以通过哪些途径进行自我学习?
回答: 可以自己看书或者让父母教授或者在实践中通过动手学习到抽象的知识。
4. 完全脱离学校的个人学习对哪些人适用,对哪些人不适用?请举例并简述。
回答: 对有强烈求知欲和明确的学习目标以及一直平和坚定不易轻易改变心情的人适用,而对于对自己想学什么没有具体想法的人或者需要人引导才能更好地学习的人 学校比较适用。
5. 在教育的过程中,如何调整教育和个人以及和学校之间的关系最有效果?请结合不同学科和不同需求,举例并简述。
回答: 平时的大课可以在课上教授最基本的课程,课下可以给学生布置活动性的作业或者让学生自己选择感兴趣但和课程相关的课题以此来评定学习的效果,并给予有效的奖惩措施,比如文学的可以让学生进行自我创作作品投稿给杂志社或报纸,理科的可以让学生在安全范围类自己设计实验,商科的可以进行小型的投资或创业计划,学校给予一定的投资
The arthor attempts to stress the function of personal discipline that is trivial school's influence to learner in learning progress.I agree that statement to some degree,due to the school can provide students with essential places,namely,labrotary,playground, music hall and painting room,and at the same time,the tutors to lead you into various learning areas and  the companionship with peers,all of that are important to someone's learning experience.But school or college alone are not enough to ensure the motivation of study,because diffentent people have different minds,and  only in that way,school play different roles in different stuents' life.
Undoutedly,school or college weighs a lot in a learner's life,due to the school can provide students with apparatus and equipments.For instance,a student are determined devoted into science and experiments,he can be satisfied with the labrotary and precise equipments in school that can not practice easily outside.A student are always dreaming to be a pianist but can not afford it, his road may start at school.And someone are good at sports,can be motivated into the summit to win with the synthesis disciplines from coach and appropriate pressure from the peers.School plays a seemingly inevitable role in the most students' learning life.
Nevertheless,school is not a panacea to the success on learning,because the spirits varies from one to one,and the objects of learning in not limited in books.School's education aim is preparing students with knowledge for the adaption of future social life,but some valuable experience like special regulation of particular job,the cultivation of social relationship sometimes determine whether you can fulfill a task and the pratictitional skills etc,which can not be taught by teachers in a common lessons or a discipline.That only can be acquired by yourselves disciplines and attention on details day by day,on that way school seems not effective in study.
But self-study is not fit everyone like school discipline,for the students have strong will and interest on particular area can understand the relative knowledge effectively by himself,school lessons seems rather inflexible even a waste of time,for that,self discipline is quite important and the motivation from school is not notomomious.While many students like a close friend of mine,she does not konw what shi is really interested in and can not controll herself in the free time beforer go to college,even into the collge,she is actually fight for her definite goal after exchange into another specialized subject.For those studetns,school or college is necessary of learnig process.
On above,part of the author's statement is common and realistic,given the differences among various students,theres is not a normal regulation or system can fit all of those people,students can not be motivated by scholl of college alone or by himeself alone.
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