GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lhzm
Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE223"Education is primarily a personal matter; it has little to do with school or college"。题目讨论教育相关性的问题,题目认为学习和个人更有关,同学校没有多少关系。分析的过程中,可以从学习的目标、学习形式、学习内容、个人与学校之间的关系以及对学习的重要性等方面展开思路。对于此题这种对比型的题目(个人和学校之间对比),需要注意不应该孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 学习和个人的关系是什么?学习在个人成长、生活、工作中起到了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 学习是一个人的权利,也是社会赋予他的义务;促进个人成长,是生活更加便利,使得找到好工作成为可能,凭借get promotion的可能性也大
2. 学校在学习中扮演什么样的角色?学校能为学生的学习提供哪些条件?请举例并简述。
回答: 促进学习,同时也限制了学习的范围;提供系统的知识体系,前人总结的较快捷的学习方法,多种学习思路,大家一起学习讨论的氛围,eg:学校会将现代物理的发展整理成一个体系,它的每一步怎么走到今天的,系统地呈现给学生,利于了解发展历史,更好的学习,同时还会将理论体系总结出来,以教育研究者认为较易被接受的方式教给学生,同时同年龄的人一起学习,相互讨论,可以促进学习和学习兴趣
3. 除了在学校中接受教育,还可以通过哪些途径进行自我学习?
回答: 网络,与他人交谈,辩论等
4. 完全脱离学校的个人学习对哪些人适用,对哪些人不适用?请举例并简述。
回答: 有特殊原因不能到学校就读的学生eg:有心理或者精神疾病的,部分残疾人只能在家读书 父母有钱有精力,反对学校教育(自然也就不能配合学校教育),要自己教小孩儿的
5. 在教育的过程中,如何调整教育和个人以及和学校之间的关系最有效果?请结合不同学科和不同需求,举例并简述。
回答: 某些学科,某些阶段,需要学校eg:重复性训练的~~,小学初中的基础教育
Since learning is the basic right each human possessse and is able to improve our ability to analyze the outer world and increase our richness in the heart  by making us more informative and active in mind, every single person would like to learn something, no matter for the self motivation of his own interests or for the outer pressure to earn a living. Admittedly that learning is a matter of personal discipline, but in my perspective, students can be motivated by school or college, not alone, but in combination of themselves, expecially in some specific stage of  life.The true  progress in learning a thing can only be achieved by the person involved, that is , no other people can do this work instead, the parents cannot, neither do the earning teachers. Take the improvement of one's writing skills as an example: bother the teachers and the experts online, or even the classmates can proffer some beneficial advices,  nevertheless, if the student himself does not study those skills and try to apply them when practisiing, which is the most important section to gain a dextrous writing skills, the students can never submit a excelllent coposition by himself. Another factor that comes from the inner part is the interests in the process of learning. In China, most colledge students are suffering a hard time on campus for the reason that they do not learn what they find interesting but what their parents ask them to, in the consideration of the future job market. And the result of their learning is conterproductive, which tells us that the learning is really a personal matter.What makes our learning special is that in some areas and stage of the process of learning, we may also need to go to school to enter classes. Since most theories and experiences at school are systimatic and organized well to be ingested and school is able to provide us a circumstance to study with our peers, it may stimulate our ethusiam to study and learn things more inherently.  Skills of spelling and reading, the basic mathmetical training and the Knowdge of classical physics and mechanics, things like that may be well accessible for pupils, who possess little elementary knowdge thus cannot choose what to learn all by himself. In addition, pupils may get fed up with the dull learning of such "boring" training, thus in this case, they may need the teachers to push them.'Granted that so much advantages are attached to school-patterned learning, the fundamental thing about learning is still a personal activity. Witness those who are disabled and have to complish all of his education at home by himself, with little help from the outside world, especially in the days withous Internet. Those who recept the home-education can also be used to disprove the necessity of schools' impulse. What's more,  with the help of the modern technology and advanced social network, individuals are able to learn what they want freely, without being motivated by schools.In summary, most learning process is a way to self improving, the way one can only walk by himself, but at the very beginning of the journey, and in a number of aspects, schools may assisst us to achieve the goal. Consequently, the best way to plan one's learning in the long term is to contain both shools and one's own capability, ustilizing the right one at the proper time and areas.
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