TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 学习历史和文学,你有什么收获?
回答: 可以了解历史,知道地球的发展过程,人类社会的发展过程。 文学可以帮助我们培养情操,同时也有助于了解社会,适应生活。
2. 学习科学和数学,你有什么收获?
回答: 了解事情发生的科学原理,比如苹果为什么会掉在地上,太阳为什么从东边升起从西边落下。 数学可以锻炼人的思维,让人有一定的生活基础,比如去买东西知道交多少钱。
3. 中国实行文理分科,作为一个文(理)科生,你觉得不学理(文)科对你有什么影响?
回答: 自己的历史和文学知识很是匮乏,比如我基本没有读过什么世界名著,对小说的了解基本为0。对于文学或者音乐的知识了解基本为0,和文盲一个等级。比如不知道油画是怎么画的,不知道交响乐团中的那些人都是干什么的。
Although the knowledges which history and literature teach students are difference with the knowledges which science and mathematics teach students, science and mathematics are as important as history and literature. There is no precedence in importance for them.
First of all, history and literature are necessary for students. Because they can cultivate sentiments of students and teach them what can be done and what can not be done. For example, knowledge of history is almost experience of life of forebear. History contains the success and failure of predecessors. Though learning the knowledge of predecessors, students can master the path to success. On the other hand, literature can teach students what is beauty and increase the sentiments of students. By the help of literature, students can find the true beauty of life. Therefore, history and literature are very important for students.
Second, science and mathematics are also indispensable roles in students' life. They can teach significant things like logic to students. For instance, with the help of science, students can learn about the secrete about the nature, such as why the sky is raining sometime and why sometime snow emerges instead of rain. Students can also learn why there is 24 hours one day. On the other hand, mathematics can develop the ability to reason for students. With the ability to reason, students can do some research and write paper finally. Thus, science and mathematics are also significant for students, too.
However, there is no difference of importance between among history, literature, science and mathematics. Although they help students develop different ability which is necessary for life, all of them can influence students a lot and the goal of them is the same that is to help students make a better life. Without history and literature, students will be a illiteracy and will do something wrong which have already happened in history. For example, Without literature, students do not know how to write paper and how to express their feeling. And, they can not learn the experience of predecessors and may make failures when they need to choice. On the other hand, without science and mathematics, students will be ignorant and do not have the ability to make an innovation. Therefore, students need all of those above 4 subjects. And the importance of these subjects are the same.
All in all, although the knowledge of these subjects that can teach to students are different, they all very important for students.
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