GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wuyiwei
The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE中的一道官方范文原题。本题写作指导和头脑风暴都直接引用ETS对本题的介绍: Because this claim about the origin of "the best ideas" is very broad, you will need to think about how to focus your analysis with respect to the three key phrases of the claim. You might begin by considering each key phrase and its relationship to the other two.
1. What kind of ideas can be identified as "the best"? Do they have different characteristics in different fields, such as science, politics, education, and art?
回答: 最好的东西源自于比较,比如说在政治方面,最实用的,最能够解决民众问题,民众福利问题的点子就是好点子。比如说“民主是和坏东西,但是在现阶段是个最好的东西”而在科学领域方面,最接近真相的,最有创造力的东西是好点子。比如说地心说之后出现了日心说,然后有了对宇宙更加深刻的认识。有些问题创造性的解决,比如说智能手机,被认为是科技上的巨大进步。而艺术领域被视作是最有创造力的,最能够表达人思想的东西。in science, the best ideas can be identified as the most innovative ones, and the most subtle ones, with nuances on the surface. in the field of politics, the best ideas can be identified as the most innovative, practical, and wisest ones. in the field of art, the best ideas are also identified as the most innovative, imaginative, aesthetic ones.
2. What is the relationship between "passionate interest" and quality of ideas?
回答: 强大的兴趣意味着对这件事情可能专注,可能带来的是对这个东西钻研。他们有可能渴望在这个领域能够有所作为。
3. Could a thorough and careful program of investigation be evidence of a "passionate interest"? Note that the claim is not that a passionate interest always gives rise to ideas that are among the best, but that the best ideas always derive from a passionate interest in something.
回答: 对某项东西认真而仔细的研究可能是又强大兴趣的,但是也有可能是因为巨大的压力而对某事进行非常仔细认真的研究。强大的兴趣未必能够想出最好的点子,但是最好的电子一定来自强大的兴趣。比如说Goldbach Conjecture的每一次突破都来自于很多数学家的强大的兴趣和不懈的努力,研究这个问题的人很多,但是每次的突破往往只是一两个人实现了。
4. Commonplace things -- What is the relationship between interest in "commonplace things" and the best ideas?
回答: 最普通的东西,往往具有更多深挖的潜力。在最普通的地方感兴趣,有可能带来更多的想法。比如说以前手机是非常普遍的东西,被人们用来的打电话发短信。但是jobs就是发现这个生活中非常普通的东西中有非常大的潜力,将他和电脑的概念放在一起开启智能手机的革命。
5. How closely connected to commonplace things are the most important ideas?
回答: 最普通的东西,往往具有更多深挖的潜力。在最普通的地方感兴趣,有可能带来更多的想法
6. Are ideas about ordinary things important because they are widely applicable, or are some very abstract ideas important because they express fundamental truths about commonplace things?
回答: 这两者都非常重要,能够最广泛利用的普通东西是好想法,比如说智能手机的发明,比如说交通工具的进步,这些东西都是最被广泛利用的。但是在学术领域,对最普通的东西进行抽象的的解释,也是好点子。比如说数学领域中一些定理,就是对人们运用数学工具运算中一些规律的总结。还有比如说哲学,就是对生活最普通东西的抽象,经济学就是对日常交易,商品流通规律的抽象
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