GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Belledu
The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE中的一道官方范文原题。本题写作指导和头脑风暴都直接引用ETS对本题的介绍: Because this claim about the origin of "the best ideas" is very broad, you will need to think about how to focus your analysis with respect to the three key phrases of the claim. You might begin by considering each key phrase and its relationship to the other two.
1. What kind of ideas can be identified as "the best"? Do they have different characteristics in different fields, such as science, politics, education, and art?
回答: The best idea is often to easy to appreciate by most people. In science, the best idea relates its functions which are determined by whether those ideas can contribute to human beings. In politics, the best idea expolits the disadvantages of politic idea in that we can correct it and improve the situations.
2. What is the relationship between "passionate interest" and quality of ideas?
回答: Passionate interest is the essense of quality of ideas. The quality of ideas comes out from the quantity of ideas while passionate interest can make up our mind to collect ideas, then can we pick up the best one. That is to say, passionate interest is a prequisite to the quality of ideas.
3. Could a thorough and careful program of investigation be evidence of a "passionate interest"? Note that the claim is not that a passionate interest always gives rise to ideas that are among the best, but that the best ideas always derive from a passionate interest in something.
回答: Although the best ideas always derive from a passionate interest in something, a passionate interest not always bring the best ideas. Take the revolutions of our country as examle, since the ninteenth century,our country went through numorous revolutions such as the Taiping Uprising, Xinhai Revolution and Reform Movement of 1898. However, just The New Democratic Revolution make us step into a enacepting and flourishing way.
4. Commonplace things -- What is the relationship between interest in "commonplace things" and the best ideas?
回答: From the quotation of Material dialectics,"The manifestations of common things are diversties, but the intrinct essense just only one." How could we gain the only on essense? The only way is practice. However, pratice is an unremitting way which we should persistantly keep our interest in commonplace things until achive the best ideas.
5. How closely connected to commonplace things are the most important ideas?
回答: The commonplace things contain the most important ideas which we can find by our passionate interest. All commonplace things are performances of the most important ideas.
6. Are ideas about ordinary things important because they are widely applicable, or are some very abstract ideas important because they express fundamental truths about commonplace things?
回答: Whether ordinary ideas or abstract ideas , they are all carriers of expressing fundamental truths. The point is that we should look beyond appearance for the essence of commonplace things. It is a key process to get the best ideas.
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