GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:帝江
The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE中的一道官方范文原题。本题写作指导和头脑风暴都直接引用ETS对本题的介绍: Because this claim about the origin of "the best ideas" is very broad, you will need to think about how to focus your analysis with respect to the three key phrases of the claim. You might begin by considering each key phrase and its relationship to the other two.
1. What kind of ideas can be identified as "the best"? Do they have different characteristics in different fields, such as science, politics, education, and art?
回答: a
2. What is the relationship between "passionate interest" and quality of ideas?
回答: a
3. Could a thorough and careful program of investigation be evidence of a "passionate interest"? Note that the claim is not that a passionate interest always gives rise to ideas that are among the best, but that the best ideas always derive from a passionate interest in something.
回答: a
4. Commonplace things -- What is the relationship between interest in "commonplace things" and the best ideas?
回答: a
5. How closely connected to commonplace things are the most important ideas?
回答: a
6. Are ideas about ordinary things important because they are widely applicable, or are some very abstract ideas important because they express fundamental truths about commonplace things?
回答: a
Once a person is highly devoted in something he is facinated with, then it's likely that he will be able to achieve something higher than those had been achieved before. In many cases, those great discoveries and inventions are derived from routine lives and surroundings. However,  whether all great ideas come from our daily life remains skeptical before further analysis.
If a person has an eye with deep insights and a heart with intensing curiousity, then those ordinary things will be of special meaning to them. For when they've observed a certain phenomenon, they're more likely than the average to come up with questions and confuses, which could in turn lit up their immediate flame of passionate toward that ordinary thing or apparition. Issac Newton, one of the greatest physicians, for example, is a typical paradigm of the kind of person discussed above. It was said that one day, while he was reading under an apple tree, a fallen apple hit on his head. He then become so desired to explore the reason why the apple would fall down to the ground instead of flying into the sky. Subsequently, he had resolved the myth about gravity. Actually, there're countless other great scientists who made their most significant discoveries through the investigations into the most commonplace things. Therefore, once you've become quite interested with a thing, no matter how common it is, it's possible that you would be able to make some really extraordinary discoveries if you delve into it.
Although in many cases those great ideas do derive from those commonplace scenarios, it's equally plausible for us to discover something exceptional through the study of those bizzare and uncommon things. Abstract art is just a case in point. For those abstract artists, the works they created are far from being banal and derivative. In fact, for those uninitialised, it's almost impossible to fully understand those abstact pieces of works. And of course, the majority of those masterpieces bear little or even no concrete relationship with everyday life. However, they could still be able to express recondite physilogical ideas which are of great value to all of us. In addition, many great scientific discoveries are made through happy accidents, hints or even mistakes. Hence, great ideas could absolutely come from things other than those easily seen.
All in all, the assertion that all great ideas arise from passionate interests in commonplace things is too arbitrary to be persuasive. In reality, as long as a person could remain curious and enthusiasm toward the thing he/she devotes to, and fully put his/her heart and souls in it, great ideas could be derived from things either commonly observed, or uncommonly witnessed.
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