GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张佩尧
The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE中的一道官方范文原题。本题写作指导和头脑风暴都直接引用ETS对本题的介绍: Because this claim about the origin of "the best ideas" is very broad, you will need to think about how to focus your analysis with respect to the three key phrases of the claim. You might begin by considering each key phrase and its relationship to the other two.
1. What kind of ideas can be identified as "the best"? Do they have different characteristics in different fields, such as science, politics, education, and art?
回答: There are two ways to define "the best". First, one method can be used in solving more than one kind of problems; second, one solution can fix the problem very well.
2. What is the relationship between "passionate interest" and quality of ideas?
回答: passion is one of ways to get a qualified idea.
3. Could a thorough and careful program of investigation be evidence of a "passionate interest"? Note that the claim is not that a passionate interest always gives rise to ideas that are among the best, but that the best ideas always derive from a passionate interest in something.
回答: for example, there are differences between us and scientists. we all have passioate interest in science, but not everyone of us can be a scientist
4. Commonplace things -- What is the relationship between interest in "commonplace things" and the best ideas?
回答: I think that get interest in "commonplace things" is the first step to get the best ideas. In order to get best ideas, you need more knowledge, investments and patience.
5. How closely connected to commonplace things are the most important ideas?
6. Are ideas about ordinary things important because they are widely applicable, or are some very abstract ideas important because they express fundamental truths about commonplace things?
Many people hold the view that the best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. I partly agree with that. I do admit that If we have great interested in things around us. we will easily get wonderful ideas as we want. But does that is the only way to get the best ideas? I do not really think so. The answer is obviously that there are a variaty of ways to get great ideas in our daily lives.
As we all know, Interest is the best teacher of ours. With great interest in our lessons, we will get good grades. For example, if a child are interested in plane and machines or other commonplace things, maybe he will be a great scientist in the future. Interests are just like a kind of shortcut to sueecss. Because passion will make us concentrate on commonplace things, and try our best to figure out the best ideas. So we can  not ignore the great power that a passionate interest will get.
However, after a second thought, a passionate interest is not the only thing that can help us get the best ideas. There are plenty of other things that can us a favor. First of all, coorperation. The power of just one person can be really weak. But if we work together, and gather the different kins of ideas. It will be more easily to pick the best ideas. Secondly, survey. It is wildly known that the best ideas are always practical. So, as long as we want to get the best ideas, we need a thoroughly survey. Maybe you hate the labratory in your school. But it is maybe the only place for you to find the truth, especially comsidering the topic are in physics or chemistry.Lastly, patience. Sometimes our passionate interest will not last long.  In my point of view, thr journey of finding the best ideas is a long way. So patience can be really important. As long as we have patience, we will continully finding and studying and never give up. Once we do not give up trying, the rate of get the best ideas will be increased a lot.
From what have been mentioned above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that we can not agree with the topic one hundred percent, considering there are other essencial things that can help us get the best ideas. Such as coorperation, survey and patience. If we have have one og them, we also have a chance to get the best ideas as we want.
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