GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:提百万好好学英语
Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE94"Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated"。题目讨论大学生学习范围的问题,题目认为应当要求学生学习本专业以外的其他课程。在分析的过程中,可以从本专业学科和其他学科知识对学生的生活学习和工作的正负面影响、不同知识之间的相互作用、教育培养学生的目标和需求、不同领域不同环境下分情况讨论等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举你的专业课程,以及你选择的非本专业领域的其他课程,并分析这些可课程对你的意义。
回答: 我的专业是公共事业管理,对于专业之外的课程,我选择了数学和历史学,因为在分析很多问题的时候,我们时常会运用数学模型,所以对于掌握一些基础的数学知识会是模型的运用更加得心应手,同时学习数学也可以锻炼我们的逻辑思维能力。至于历史学,可以为我们解决现在的问题提供一个参考
2. 从大学生现在以及以后的学习、工作、生活的各种需求来看,哪些能力或者知识是他们需要具备的?这些知识和能力需要通过怎样的教育形式来获得?
回答: 逻辑思维能力,语言表达能力,使用计算机的能力。教授以及自学都可以获得
3. 仅学习自己专业领域的课程对大学生来说是否足够?如果是,请说明理由;如果不是,这样的行为对大学生的发展有哪些局限性?
回答: 不够。因为在这样一个时代,没有一个学科是可以独立存在的,学科之间势必会存在交叉,只学专业领域的只是,可能会导致知识结构的缺失,从而进一步影响对于事物的判断
4. 自己专业领域外的其他课程可以带给大学生哪些影响?(可从正面影响、负面影响以及直接和间接影响来考虑)
回答: 正面:开阔了事业,知识面,可以从多个角度看问题,勾践完整的知识结构。负面:涉及的面太多,是的专业的知识不够精,对于在某一领域的深入研究存在不利因素
5. 社会如何定义“人才”的标准?大学教育应该如何设置课程才能更好地培养“人才”?请举例说明。
回答: 人才指的是在某一领域有着特殊才能的人。大学教育首先应该为人才日后的发展打下坚实的基础,开设通科课程,让学生在这其中发现自身的兴趣所在。例如,对于经济学感兴趣的学生,可以先学习相关的只是,比如数学,管理学,英语等。这样可以帮助他对于这个经济学有一个概念性的认识,同时掌握了这些基本的只是之后,他就有了一个在该领域运用模型方法分析的能力
should universities require every student to  a variety of courses outside the student's field of study?the author believes that this would be a good way to become truly educated.Fundamentally,I agree with this point.I think whether students in sciences or in arts should all take some course on other's field,and have learn some basic skills and knowledge in order to better fuse in the society.nowadays,we could not find a discipline that is independent,every subject is relevant to the one,who is willing to contribute to one field,should master a variety of intellectual of many fields.for example,the person major in astrology need to learn math, physics,chemistry and so on,so that he could analyse the data,distinguish which material is suitable for airship and how to synthetise them.It is all kinds of courses that make hin erudite to solve these problems.what's more,the curriculum is a stage of providing elemental knowledge to do something better in the future.what‘s the purpose of education? from my perspective,the purpose of education is to cultivate the persons with ability so that they are able to be competent to his job.for instance,as a manager,he need to administrate more efficiently,it is a good way to use MIS(management information system),to be the owner of it,we could take advantage of math and computer to grasp it。it is time to educate a skillful person by multiple courses in universities.maybe someone asserts that you can not focus on one subject or field if you refer too much to other fields.however,they overlook that the achievement in other field will be the catalyst in your economic,many theories depend on the models from math,no one could deny the attainment in math which make progress in economic.the other good example of this view is that a lot of famous scientists become the leader in their field due to the inspiration of art,such as music, we may need some lessons to discovery the connection between science and art in universities,it is requirement to all students.In short,there are numerous reasons to support that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.
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