GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:joelon
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE中的ISSUE36原题,和老GRE中的ISSUE241很相似(An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time),都是在讨论评价者“合理性”的问题。实际情况是同代人和后代都在对“某人”进行评价,二者的视角、关注点、参考信息等因素都存在不同,这些不同也就影响了评价的效果。在分析的时候可以根据不同领域、不同事件以及不同的标准来展开思路。
1. 在你的印象中不同领域和不同层次的伟人有什么共性和个性?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 政治方面:敏锐度,指挥调度协调能力,强大的心智,能力和智慧。美国罗斯福总统 艺术方面:意志力,人格魅力,号召力。林怀民,杨丽萍 自然科学:开拓创新,刻苦钻研,善于思考,敢于打破传统。达尔文,牛顿
2. 评判一个人是否伟大的时候,有没有一个普遍适用的标准?如果有,那么这个标准中包括哪些内容?如果没有,那应当如何去评判?
回答: 有标准,横向纵向分 横向:在同领域,同时代的对比,和所在领域的贡献 纵向:在推动所在领域进步的贡献
3. 后世人的评判和同代人评判有什么共性和区别?在这些区别中有哪些是后世人具有的优势,而且是同代人没有办法弥补的?
回答: 同时代的人有时出于社会、政治、乃至利益原因,不能对其有些成就做出公正的评价。 所以后世人的优势在于掌握了更高一级别的知识之后做出的更为宏观,客观的评价。
4. 是否存在后代评价和同代人的评价差别很大的人物?造成差别的原因是什么?请结合具体事例说明。
回答: 政治、社会、利益原因 认知水平 大众关注度,鉴赏力,评判标准
The first emperor of of Qin unified China at 221B.C
the silk road
The Rite of Spring 
the composer  Stravinsky
leader of the russia ballet company    serge diaghilev
When first performed, at the Th??tre des Champs-?lys?es on 29 May 1913, the avant-garde nature of the music and choreography caused a sensation and almost a riot in the audience. Although designed as a work for the stage, with specific passages accompanying characters and action, the music achieved equal if not greater recognition as a concert piece, and is widely considered to be one of the most influential musical works of the 20th century.
Stravinsky was a young, virtually unknown composer when Diaghilev recruited him to create works for the Ballets Russes. The Rite was the third such project, after the acclaimed The Firebird (1910) and Petrushka (1911). The concept behind The Rite of Spring, developed by Roerich from Stravinsky's outline idea, is suggested by its subtitle, "Pictures of Pagan Russia in Two Parts"; in the scenario, after various primitive rituals celebrating the advent of spring, a young girl is chosen as a sacrificial victim and dances herself to death. After a mixed critical reception for its original run and a short London tour, the ballet was not performed again until the 1920s, when a version choreographed by L?onide Massine replaced Nijinsky's original. Massine's was the forerunner of many innovative productions directed by the world's leading ballet-masters, which gained the work worldwide acceptance. In the 1980s, Nijinsky's original choreography, long believed lost, was reconstructed by the Joffrey Ballet in Los Angeles.
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