GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:郭玮
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE中的ISSUE36原题,和老GRE中的ISSUE241很相似(An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time),都是在讨论评价者“合理性”的问题。实际情况是同代人和后代都在对“某人”进行评价,二者的视角、关注点、参考信息等因素都存在不同,这些不同也就影响了评价的效果。在分析的时候可以根据不同领域、不同事件以及不同的标准来展开思路。
1. 在你的印象中不同领域和不同层次的伟人有什么共性和个性?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 共性:做出了令人钦佩的成就,如科学家在科研领域有伟大建树,文学家在文学领域的瞩目成果,军事家在战争或其他军事方面的巨大贡献等。 个性:不同的伟人做出的贡献的内容不同、角度不同、程度也不同。
2. 评判一个人是否伟大的时候,有没有一个普遍适用的标准?如果有,那么这个标准中包括哪些内容?如果没有,那应当如何去评判?
回答: 我认为没有一个普遍适用的标准。评判一个人是否伟大应全面的看待他,和自己的情况对比。比如项羽最终败给刘邦,但仍然是个英雄。有的人并没有做出对社会有特别大贡献的事或者并没有造福多少人,但是他们的精神会给我们带来启发,比如有的人奋不顾身地舍己救人,有的残疾人做出普通人都难以完成的事等。
3. 后世人的评判和同代人评判有什么共性和区别?在这些区别中有哪些是后世人具有的优势,而且是同代人没有办法弥补的?
回答: 区别:后世人可能更全面的看待此人,因为经过时间的检验,人们会真正认识到此人的所作所为的价值。 后世人具有时间上的优势
4. 是否存在后代评价和同代人的评价差别很大的人物?造成差别的原因是什么?请结合具体事例说明。
回答: 存在,如梵高、希特勒等。 经过时间的沉淀,对一个人更客观的评价才能产生。
       I strongly agree with the assertion that the greatness of individuals is decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.
       I concede that the contemporaries of an individual are nearer to him, which may lead to a more direct feeling of the man's greatness. Something in today which seems insignificant may have a glorious influence in the old days for the man's contemporaries. Let us take a look at a specific example from our everyday life. Which is more great for you, a light bulb or an iphone? We may answer without thinking that iphone is more helpful to us. Thus, we may regard Jobs as a great guy while ignore the greatness of Edison. Nevertheless, for the contemporaries of Edison, the light in night is wonderful since they can free them from darkness. Therefore, they may think Edison's greatness is bigger than we do. In this way, contemporaries can decide the greatness of individuals better than those who live after them.  
      However, I have to say the descendents of individuals have more advantages in deciding their greatness than contemporaries. As time went on, the cloud over a man would go with the wind and the man's real face is showed to everybody. At that time, we can judge whether a man is great or not more fairly. For instance, some people who are truely good but do some confusing thing which make themselves misunderstood by their contemporaries, which make him a bad person. If so, only people live after such people can find out the truth and correct their label from bad persons to heroes.  Consequently, contemporaries lack of enough time to judge whether individuals are great or not.
       Finally, some great individuals have some advanced thought or works that contemporaries cannot understand or appreciated, eapecially in philosophy and art. Here is a good example can support my reason. Vincent Willem van Gogh is a great painter who is known to all, but during his lifetime, he is poor and ill since at that time nobody can understand his artworks. However after his death, people live after him are willing to spend thousands of dollars to buy the painting of Gogh and his work have great influence on painting area. Thus, the greatness of a man may not be understood by his contemporaries which is more probarbly appreciated by the descendents.
       All in all, if the greatness of a man can only be decided by their contemporaries, that may be unfair for them.
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