TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:梁家昕
【IBT机经-5】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.
1. 把家人照看好需要哪些条件?需要做些什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 把家人照看好需要以下三个条件:1. 经济条件,物质生活需要花钱,比如现在小孩的教育,上一个好的幼儿园都需要好几万的赞助费,有人统计过将小孩从婴儿抚养成人在中国的大城市里需要100W的开销;2. 精神关爱,家人如果遇到挫折不开心,是需要我们的关爱的,例如小孩子在学校里受同学欺负,那么我们需要开导他并帮助他和学校去协调;3. 时间,照看好家人需要付出时间,比如小孩在家里面需要大人的陪同和教育才能健康成长,很多缺少家长陪同的孩子会出现心理问题,导致不良的行为。
2. 照看家人的好坏程度是否和居住地有必然联系,为什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有必然联系,在城市物质家人生活质量更加高,比如在城市才能买到优质安全的进口食品,而在农村城镇就比较难买到;同时在城市有更多的机会让孩子获得较好的教育;还有,在城市的医疗系统更加健全,从医保福利到病痛治愈的成功率都比在农村高;同时在城市居住的人工作更加繁忙,不是所有人都由充足照料家人的时间,很多上班族朝九晚五,在上下班的路上都浪费了很多时间,更别提要加班的,家里的小孩老人经常出去无人肚子在屋的状态,这些时间段经常是发生问题的时候。一旦发生什么问题,在上班的人又很难及时处理。相比在乡村,人们的工作时间更加的自由,如果不外出务工,人们在家里陪伴小孩老人的时间更多,如发生什么问题也能第一时间解决。
3. 如果二者有联系,是不是居住在城市里的人对家人的照顾就不如那些住在乡村的人呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 并非如此;从物质生活质量的角度来说,城市里的人对家人的照顾就比较好,因为家里的设备一般更加安全而且齐全,出现事故的几率比农村更小;社区附近的设施也比较完善,小孩老人不需要出远门就能够满足日常生活起居,这种照顾也是良好的;从社会福利的角度来讲,居住在城市的人能给家人提供更多的医疗保障和教育机会,这是农村无法比拟的。
4. 城里人哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 城里人的典型生活特点有:朝九晚五还要经常加班的工作特点,业余时间喜欢外出购物逛街,平时上班族晚上经常有应酬,夜生活丰富,周末和家人一起外出游玩。出门逛街,游玩的生活特点促进城市人照顾好家人,使得他们的物质及精神生活质量更高;但同时花在工作上得大量时间阻碍了他们与家人的沟通,有时候家人出现问题都未能及时发现并解决。
5. 住在乡村的人有哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 乡村的人作息比较有规律,一般情况下闲暇时间较多,但遇到忙季就一出城就出一天;作息比较规律,闲暇时间较多促进他们有更多时间定期和家人沟通,但是从整年来看,收获的季节和市场交易频繁的月份他们就鲜有时间来照料家人
    It might be common sense that people living in rural area are able to take good care of their families rather than those living in urban area. Obviously, we cannot conceal the fact that people working in the cities are much busier in their job so that they are spending less time accompanying with their families. However, as the aspect of taking good care, the claim may not be true. One reason is that good care depends a lot on the economic issue especially whether the basic demand of food and place to live. From this point of view, urban people can do much better than the rural ones. For example, with affluent facilities, such as a supermarket, washing store, saloon etc, living in a district can bring much more conveniences to the families than living in a rural area with shopping center far away. Secondly, when it comes to the medical system, urban area people can enjoy the benefit of the community health care, which covers 70% urban population, to the licensed hospital. As the statistic shown, it is always a widespread problem that a good hospital is hardly accessible for the rural people -- 60% operations in No.3 Hospital of Beijing University is for the rural patients. What's more, urban kids can have better quality of education. According to the Chinese Education Department, the rate of entering a university among urban students is 43% higher than those studying in rural area, where entering university probably brings a good job in the future career. Apart from the life quality including living, education, and medication, it's also an ambiguous phenomenon that rural people have more time to spend with their families. In fact, agriculture labor in rural area is transferring to the urban labor because they think it means earning more money than working in the crops. It shows that this kind of people has been reached 40% which leave many children and elderly people at home. Although in some extends, the family gets more income, the children and elderly people are not receiving better care in the adulthood. On the contrary, various children are lacking in domestic education and behave badly in the school due to not enough care from their parents. Even the elderly people cannot get instant treatment for their disease. Comparing to the rural people, although the municipal people spend averagely 50% of their time on the job, they prefer to spend their weekend with their family going shopping or go sightseeing in the rural area. In this case, families can have much better care than those live alone in the pastoral area. As a whole, people living in rural area pay less and less attention to their families as they eager to gain more opportunities in the cities leaving their families at home. So it doesn't make sense that the rural people can take much better care to their family when we think about the life they can bring to them.
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