TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:熊ruojun
【IBT机经-3】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Two people can still be good friends if one of them has more money than the other?
题目讨论的是关于友谊的问题,即“经济条件的差异是否会成为友情的障碍“。题目的前提是”其中一方更富有“,给出的判断是”经济条件的差异是不会影响两人的朋友关系“。生活中,关于友情的具体事例不少,分析题目和拓展写作思路时应该注意以下3点:1、明确自己的观点,到底是同意还是不同意;2、切忌脱离了题目的前提是” 其中一方更富有“;3、思考影响友情的因素有哪些。
1. 两个人成为好朋友需要哪些条件?你觉得哪些条件比较重要?经济条件是否是一条重要因素?请结合实例简述。
回答: Nowadays, friend play an important role in everyone's life, many people argue that two people can still be good friends if one of them has more money than than the others. I disagree. Firstly, I consider the importance of sincerity for two persons being good friends. For example, I make friend just concern about whether he will open his mind to me by communicating or not.There is no doubt that it is of vital importance for everyone who want to make friend. When I do the wrong thing, good friend will tell me why I am wrong and how can I correct them rather than saying nothing. In my view, economic condition just a secondary cause.
2. 经济条件相仿会对两人的友谊起到什么作用?是助推作用,还是阻碍作用?请结合实例简述。
回答: Secondly, if two men have the same economic condition, it can propel their friendship. For instance, you may follow your rich friend's decision when you buy some food and drink for a picnic because of your poverty. Even more, your friend will not call you when he want to travel a place or watch a film. In that case, you loss a lot of chances to talk to them and improve your friendship.
3. 经济条件不同是否会对两人的友谊起作用?如果不是,为什么?如果是,怎么影响?请结合实例简述。
回答: Admittedly, we can't stress the importance of economic condition. I remember Confius, greatest Chinese philosopher and educator, commented," Gold will not buy anthing." I agree with him because I think a real friendship is consist of sincerity and equality. You maybe have more money than your good friend, whereas sincerity and equality are of abvious advantage, as you have a real friend.
4. 即使经济条件不同会影响到两人的友谊,倘若两人仍然是好朋友,那会是什么在维持这段友情呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: In addition, we can't say money is nothing. If one gets in trouble and he need money to pull through, the rich one should give him a hand. In that case, this action not only help your friend in a short time, but also you can a solid friendship.
5. 思考现实生活和社会历史中,哪些人们的友情是超越金钱的?哪些人的友情是被金钱打败的?请结合实例简述。
回答: In my opnion, friendship is beyond money and two people can still be good friends if one of them has more money than the other.
Nowadays, friend play an important role in everyone's life, many people argue that two people can still be good friends if one of them has more money than than the others. I disagree.   Firstly, I consider the importance of sincerity for two persons being good friends. For example, I make friend just concern about whether he will open his mind to me by communicating or not.There is no doubt that it is of vital importance for everyone who want to make friend. When I do the wrong thing, good friend will tell me why I am wrong and how can I correct them rather than saying nothing. In my view, economic condition just a secondary cause.   Secondly, if two men have the same economic condition, it can propel their friendship. For instance, you may follow your rich friend's decision when you buy some food and drink for a picnic because of your poverty. Even more, your friend will not call you when he want to travel a place or watch a film. In that case, you loss a lot of chances to talk to them and improve your friendship.   Admittedly, we can't stress the importance of economic condition. I remember Confius, greatest Chinese philosopher and educator, commented," Gold will not buy anthing." I agree with him because I think a real friendship is consist of sincerity and equality. You maybe have more money than your good friend, whereas sincerity and equality are of abvious advantage, as you have a real friend.   In addition, we can't say money is nothing. If one gets in trouble and he need money to pull through, the rich one should give him a hand. In that case, this action not only help your friend in a short time, but also you can a solid friendship.   In my opnion, friendship is beyond money and two people can still be good friends if one of them has more money than the other.
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