GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:何小夏奋战考试要加油
Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE202"Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise"和ISSUE190"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little"的综合。在分析的过程中,可以从领导人各种行为对于坚持原则和目标的需要、不同场合情况下坚持原则和目标与被公众意见影响的利弊、成为有影响力的领导与坚持原则和目标之间的关系、如何平衡坚定原则和受公众影响两方面,以及过度倾向其中一方面之后会造成的直接或间接影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请结合具体的某位有影响力的领导人分析:在其成为领导的过程中,对特定原则和目标的坚定不移起到了什么作用?
回答: 曼德拉 邓小平
2. 请结合历史事实分析:是否有不屈从于大众意见的杰出领袖?他们这样做的原因是什么?
回答: 在遇到重大改变和事件的时候坚持原则和目标对领导人更有意义。因为公众对事件的判断并不一定有领导人正确,很少有人会有正确的决断力。同时,有些重要的事情并不是全部细节公众都知道的,因此领导人更要坚持原则和目标。比如在中国明代,有一场著名的战役,所有的大臣和军队都建议先清扫残余部队再大举进发曾经侵略过的敌国;然而皇上却断定残余部队不会再有任何威胁,而是直捣敌国。事实证明皇上的判断是正确的。而如果听从大臣的先清扫残余部队,会损耗大量人力物力,这样等到和敌国打仗时候,就会士气不足。
3. 在哪些情况下,“坚持原则和目标”要比“被公众意见影响”对领导人更有意义?为什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 丘吉尔:在一战之后英国反战注意和平主义盛行(1936年,英国和平主义组织进行了民意测验,90%的人拒绝参战,反战求和思想深入人心。然而,和平主义者鼓吹和议、呼吁太平的同时,却消极地宣扬战争的残酷性和破坏性,诅咒战争,诋毁军备,不仅模糊了人们对国际形势的认识,而且使人们混淆了战争的正义性和非正义性,解除了人们对战争的警觉。一味反战的社会情绪,很大程度上为政府参战制造了舆论压力,制约了政府的决策。),但是丘吉尔坚定的反对绥靖政策。
4. 在哪些情况下,因为公众意见而让自己的原则和目标妥协让步反而会更重要?为什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 在一些需要与公众之间挂钩的决策中,公众意见更重要。因为领导的消息虽然很广,但是毕竟有局限性,无法了解到人民的真正情况和需求。比如医疗保险政策,政府对底层的人们不是很了解,这时候公众的建议更重要。 调动员工积极性问题上,对于员工现状的调查和了解以及意见的采纳(必要时让自己的目标妥协)是十分必要的。因为员工处于公司体制之下,是政策的直接感受者。
5. 请结合其自身特点分析并列举:政治家有哪些职责,为了满足这些职责,政治家的行为会有哪些特殊性。
回答: 政治家需要对一个国家负责,让国家机器能够正常的运作,协调各方的利益,社会要稳定发展,有的时候,政治家必要要坚持自己的原则,一定要认清问题的关键,最大限度满足国家和人们的需要。对外和对内的,巴黎和会。外交内政。
The meaning of a strong and independent individuals is changing through the time. In fact, due to the rapid social and technological development, we become much stronger and more independent than ever before. Car allows us independent to go everywhere we want to go; gun makes us stronger when facing the beast. I concede that we are addicted easily to the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life, preventing us to grow strong. However, the speaker fails to generalize that the modern life is harmless to all people.  To begin with, as the society and science develop, we enjoy a gorgeous and comfortable life, which will confuse us goals and make us lazy. In China, there are lots of children whom parents are millionaire. Then they aren't afraid with their future jobs and lives and all they do everyday is to waste their parents money to enjoy the contemporary life, rather than challenge themselves to be a independent individuals. Therefore, the modern life is harmless or even harmful for them.  However, there are still plenty of children who pursue their dreams and goals bravely, although them grow up in a rich family. Each year, thousands of volunteer most of whom are young will go to Africa to help those people who need assistance. They had enjoyed their luxury and convenient life in their own country, but they still sacrifice their money and time to pursue what they think more meaningful and worthy. Few can protest that they are not a strong and independent individuals, for that they know exactly their goals and stick to it.  Last but not least, poverty is much more harmless than wealthy for people to grow into strong and independent individuals. Those who are poor will lack enough opportunities such as education and jobs to exercise themselves to become strong. In face, they are more likely to bend to lives and eventually become liars, flatters or even thieves. That's why all the governments and leaders over the world want to eliminate the poverty. Only enough resources and chances can guarantee people to be strong and independent individuals to make more contributions to our society.  In conclusion, the luxury and convenient life doesn't prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. On the contrary, a poor life may restraint many opportunities for people to grow. Therefore, we should make use of the modern life to exercise ourselves rather than addicted to the convenient life.
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