GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:格子里的春天
How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
1. 孩子们适应社会的能力强(或弱)表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。
回答: 抗挫能力,找到适合自己的职业,做有价值有意义的事情
2. 社会发展会受到哪些重要因素的影响?这些因素哪些是和孩子们适应社会的能力有关的?请举例说明。
回答: 经济,政治,文化,教育,科技。 教育可以提高孩子们适应社会技能,文化可以培养孩子们适应社会应该具备的软条件,政治和经济可以促进文化和教育的发展,科技可以促进经济的发展。
3. 适应社会能力强(或弱)的孩子会对社会做出什么贡献?会给社会带来什么麻烦?请举例说明。
回答: 第一,创造更多的市场价值;第二,形成奋发向上,充满活力的社会氛围;第三,促进社会文化的多元性。适应社会能力弱使得社会人才资源不能得到充分利用,社会发展受到阻碍,失业率上升。
4. 我们有哪些具体的手段和方法来培养孩子适应社会?这些手段和方法在现代社会中被执行的情况如何?为什么会出现这种情况?请举例说明。
回答: 基础教育与应用技能同时教学,积极开展各种丰富课外活动,增加孩子与社会互动的机会,比如实习。
5. 哪些因素会制约我们对孩子适应社会能力的培养?请举例说明。
回答: 应试教育体制,家庭、社会环境对物质的激励,社会功利的价值观文化
Children are hopes of the future. Sooner or later people who have a power over the world in all the range of fields like politics and economy would hand it over to the next generation. However, when it comes to the children still engaged in all kinds of essential courses which may be not directly relevant to the work demanded in future work in society,questions occur to me: would the children be able to adapt to such a big and complicated society full of opportunities and disappointment at any time? How can it be possible to make children feel it easier to evolve adaptations to the new world for them after a long period of peaceful and relatively relaxed life inside a school like a "greenhouse"? Human are socialized  beings . No matter which field you are going to deal with, there is no avoiding keeping contact and communication with other people. Whether children can adapt to changes is of great significance to the development of production and culture of the society, but to what extent children make it cannot decide what the society will be in the future. When we raise the children, we should not force them to take pains to be socialized.
As I mentioned above, we inevitably have to make communication with people and cooperate in different forms like a project, conference and report. How well we go on with our workmates is extremely important to the working efficiency. For example, in top 500 corporations in the world which are sure to be highly efficient during work, there is a practice that employees must give report related to the work performance during a certain period to the upper managers. They usually give a  kind of speech together with power point to present their boss their ideas and performance. If children have difficulty expressing themselves and communicating with others, it would  waste all the people's time and certainly lower working efficiency, decelerating the operation of the society. In addition, relationships have great effect on how well you are going to deal with your work. People tend to be more willing to cooperate with others who are familiar and trusted. In the highly integral world,a  more and more prevailing phenomenon, within several countries there are an avalanche of cooperation such as scientific research, international trade and protect projects on the environment. We are not only requested to communicate with domestic partners but also international counterparts.
Campus life is always the happiest memory of people who have struggled with all kinds of problems  in the society. No surviving stress existing, children can enjoy themselves in the ocean of knowledge and get immersed in delving into questions generated during daily study. Children have a balanced and happy life inside the small campus. However, once they step into the society, it would be another story. Faced with  complicated relationship, failure of applying knowledge learned in the school, intense competition for promotion and so on, children should adapt to the big changes  and cope with all the challenges in store for the future. Positive mood is indispensable during the process of adaptation to the society because children may encounter failures and obstacles at any time. Then would the children be able to burden them? How is children's tolerance towards these difficulties? Nowadays, a group of young called the "Neets" who are coddled from childhood are not able to support themselves in the society. They have to be raised by their old parents even after they become adults in law. It's such a shame that a a person who is adult outside is in fact still a child inside, even not  able to survive in the society. According to the law of nature, without their parents, they should be ticked out in the competition of living. Therefore, whether children have a strong will and a positive attitude towards the society is a critical factor that contributes to children's devotion to the society and as a result promoting the development of society.
When children are mentally ready for adaption to the society, there are some technical problems about the adaption of work skills, directly affecting the development of the society. It's a common fact that what we have learned are not feasible in the concrete matters in our daily work. After graduation, children still have to learn new knowledge to deal with work. Consequently, although children have already done well in studying in the school and are quite potential to create and make great progress for the society, it's likely that nothing happens if the children cannot find ways to adapt to the new methods of thinking of and working out problems. Therefore, children's well adaption to the society exert a potential  driving force to the progress of the society.
Anyway, when we return to how to raise children to bring about a better society, we must consider it carefully. If we excessively stress the importance of socialization children would possibly have less individual character and the whole society may remain in  the same tone without diversity. That is to say on the other hand, we should respect children's natural growth and give them choices to decide their life. Only in that case can children grow happily and live easily.
All in all, it's rather influential that children are mentally and technically ready for the society and get on well with people around. However, excessive and mandatory demands on children would in turn obstruct children's devotion to build a better society. So we have to be aware that whether children are socialized is important in the destiny of the society, but we should not make it a must for children to develop a good socialization skill. I believe in that way, children are sure to make our society better and better.
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