GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Cathy_475
Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes.
1. 在学术和专业领域想象力和经验各是什么角色?试分析一两个以下学术领域中的情况:历史、语言、文学、表演、哲学、宗教、人类学、建筑学、经济学、地理、政治、心理学、社会学、空间科学、生命科学、化学、物理、电脑科学、逻辑、数学、统计、农业、经济、教育、工程、环境、法律、军事、传媒
回答: 不同的学术领域对于经验和想象力的需求是不一样的 心理学:从人的行为中发现规律揣测心里 更倾向于是一种经验的总结 再运用经验 文学:以小说为例 想象力的表达似乎更为重要
2. 如果只有知识而没有想象力会有什么后果?如果仅仅有想象力却不具备知识又会怎样?想象力与经验之间存在着什么关系?
回答: 有知识无想象力将无法创新 开发不出新颖的技术和产品 只有先想到才能做到 仅有想象力:该方面知识匮乏 没有实力及技术上的支持 即使想到也不可能实现 想也白想 关系:相辅相成的关系
3. 完成任务时,什么情况更需要想象力,什么情况下更需要经验?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 艺术创作、制度创新、概念的革新需要想象力 e.g.Harry potter; compose 医学 教育 逻辑严谨的科学 熟练工种 需要经验 e.g.driving;educational psychology
4. 固有习惯和观念在完成任务的过程中的负作用表现在哪些方面?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 削弱效果 转变性质 学习中的不断施压 使其变为一种以应试为目的的功利的学习
5. 通过什么结果或者标准可以去判断“想象力”、“经验”在完成任务的时候的价值?
                                        Imagination Plays a Key Role in Human Society
  The speaker thinks that imagination is sometimes more valuable than experience because people who lack of experience have no established habits and attitudes, so they can imagine freely. I fundamentally agree to this idea. Imagination is very important especially in modern society because creations are based on imagination. There are dozens of examples could illustrate my point of view.
  Some subjects including art, literature, architecture etc. cannot develop without imagination. Every excellent works of art, every famous literature works and every type of architecture was begun with imagination. Harry Potter is very popular in these years and everything in the story is a product of imagination. This book brought readers happiness and created commercial values. Some famous novels such as "The Adventure of Tom Sawyer" "The Scarlet Letter" and "Gone with the Wind" are all based on imaginations. Imagination can be seen not only in literature but also in architecture, for example, gothic buildings start from imagination. Imagination is valuable and lots of subjects need it.
  People who have imagination can solve the problem in a creative way. Wegener is a German geophysicist. When he looked at the shape of continents on world map, he found that the east of Africa and the west of South America can overlap perfectly. Then the theory of continental drift was born. Nobody knows the relationship between two different continents before that. Children have few experience, they can finish their task creatively. Imagination helps them understand the world in a way which is different from others. They can solve problems in their own way when they face them for the first time. Solving problems with imagination may get a better result. Almost every aspect of the society needs imagination.
  For business, imagination can bring more profit. Products of famous brands have their own characteristics. Imagination is important for creative method of designs and it can help a company get success in competitions. Furthermore, the value of imagination effect on economic development.
  Imagination is important, but the necessity of experience should not be ignored. Imagination help people build a dream and experience makes it come true. For instance, if one wants to create a new dish, at least he have to know how to cooking. Experience is very important in supporting imagination and we cannot ignore any of them.
  In sum, imagination plays a key role in our daily life and our society need creative people. Experience is also indispensable because some imagination based on experience.
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