GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:jackhpko
Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes.
1. 在学术和专业领域想象力和经验各是什么角色?试分析一两个以下学术领域中的情况:历史、语言、文学、表演、哲学、宗教、人类学、建筑学、经济学、地理、政治、心理学、社会学、空间科学、生命科学、化学、物理、电脑科学、逻辑、数学、统计、农业、经济、教育、工程、环境、法律、军事、传媒
回答: 电脑科学:经验是对于电脑硬件软件各方面全面的知识以及对一些故障解决的方法;而想象力则是能够将电脑使用带进一个全新的领域,让操作更人性化,更方便舒适。建筑学:经验是对于不同的地形结构和环境建造不同材质和形状的建筑以及对建筑内部各参数的把握,使建筑更加坚固,舒适,可靠;想象力是让建筑在安全性可靠地前提下能别出心裁,含有寓意,让人过目难忘。
2. 如果只有知识而没有想象力会有什么后果?如果仅仅有想象力却不具备知识又会怎样?想象力与经验之间存在着什么关系?
回答: 只有知识而没有想象力则会始终墨守成规,受框架的束缚,缺乏创造力,只停留在已知的世界中,无法有新的突破和进步;只有想象力而不具备知识则会让想象变成空想,无法实现梦想成真。经验是想象力得以发挥空间的基础,而想象力是经验可以发挥用处的空间,是前进的动力。
3. 完成任务时,什么情况更需要想象力,什么情况下更需要经验?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 当这个任务需要创新性的思维,比如做一则好的广告,那么就更需要想象力来抓住观众的心;而在一些需要严格保证质量的任务中,比如建造学校,医院等安全系数高的建筑时就更需要经验了。
4. 固有习惯和观念在完成任务的过程中的负作用表现在哪些方面?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 表现在让人解决问题的思路不开阔,容易走死路,走弯路,无法发现更好更快捷的方法。在计算机技术领域尤其明显。对于高集成度的电路,怎样才能使电路更简单,效率更高,功耗更小,这便需要考虑多种电路的连接方法来实现同一个目的,找出最好的一个。
5. 通过什么结果或者标准可以去判断“想象力”、“经验”在完成任务的时候的价值?
回答: 一个任务完成的质量和任务中对遇到的问题的解决方法可以判断出经验的价值;而同样的任务完成的效率,与别人的区别以及任务最出彩的地方体现了想象力的价值。
       Creation can help human discover new theory,invent new things,we usually said that people who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes. But I'm sure that imagination is important,but experience is indispensable.
      It's no doubt that imagination can widen our thoughts and help us make progress.Some times imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.For example,if a mission is to make a attractive advertisment for a product,then it requires your imagination to make this advertisment become more interesting and unforgettable.Or think about student,if a clever student has ample imagination,then he may always find a better way to learn knowledges or work out some difficult questions.That means he can learn efficient and use extra time to play or study other things that he interested in.
      But imagination is not just a dream,it can became true because of enough experience.In other words,only you have enough experience or knowledge can you image some new goals that can be done.Such as Bill Gates,he wrote the source code and invented Windows operating system at the first place,not just think but do nothing,it's based on his experience on computers.In this way can he make our computer operating system become more convenient and set up Microsoft company.
       Just like we said above,imagination need experience to become real thing that can be used by humanbeings.Computer is widespread in our lives,but we should remember that the molectron in side the computer is the combination of imagination and experience.Experience made it safe and useful,imagination made it cheap and efficient.So put all these fact together,our conclusion is:imagination and experience are all important and indispensable.
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