TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:haha_340
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 学习过程中,你是跟同学交流得多,还是父母教导得多?你觉得哪种方式让你更容易接受?
回答: 和同学交流多。相互讨论,大家都在同一起跑线上,没有上下级关系,更容易开拓思维,并且和同学一起上课,所接受的知识是相同的,相互交流比较容易。
2. 你的同学对你的学习起着怎样的作用?他们是怎样影响你学习的?
回答: 促进作用。形成良好的学习氛围,大家通过竞争,互助而进步。
3. 父母在孩子的学习生活中扮演着怎样的角色?举例说明。
回答: 鼓励和督促的作用。主要是宏观方面,不局限于某一个小的细节。比如说,孩子沉迷于网吧,父母会教育孩子要好好学习,不能荒废学业。或者孩子因为考试成绩不理想而受到打击,父母通过鼓励使孩子重拾信心。
On a child's success in school, both parents and classmates make a contribution. However, I think classmates outweigh the parents in this matter.
To begin with, when discussing with their classmates on a problem, they behave more relaxed. In this kind of atmosphere, they are more likely to open their minds and thus come up with methods to solve problems. Meanwhile, because they are peer, their knowledge storage are similar and they do not have gaps to understand each other.
Also, studying with classmates is more efficient compared with independent study. People always have inertia, especially children, who are always weak at self-controlling. Being with partners eliminate their loneliness and arouse their enthusiasm to study. So it is no wonder that it is difficult for them to study at home.
Last but not least, excellent children set good examples for their classmates. Children are good at imitation, and they are eager to get acknowledgment of others, and so they will follow the good ones. For example, my little brother once did bad in school, and he always ranked almost the last one in his class. After he made friend with his class monitor, an outstanding student, he started to put more time into studying and corrected a lot of bad habits. It illustrates the power of example well.
Although parents play a key role in encouraging and supervising their children's study, what they do is just keep their children on the way. Only their classmates can run with them and push them ahead. Therefore, to me, classmates are a more important influence.
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