TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dytzz2608
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 学习过程中,你是跟同学交流得多,还是父母教导得多?你觉得哪种方式让你更容易接受?
回答: 过程中和同学交流更多.例如在中学期间我也曾经问过父母很多问题,但是和同学在教室讨论的时候更加自由和投入.我认为和同学交流更多.
2. 你的同学对你的学习起着怎样的作用?他们是怎样影响你学习的?
回答: 同学在每个人的学习中都起这重要的作用.我们在集体中学习,可以互相讨论,因为认知观念大多相同,讨论时更能够激发大家的兴趣和自己的思考.同学的帮助是学习进步不可或缺的部分.例如我中学时期就常常和一两个同学讨论题目,每节课下课都会有讨论.由于peer对一起学习的东西更熟悉,往往能够启发自己.
3. 父母在孩子的学习生活中扮演着怎样的角色?举例说明。
回答: 父母在孩子学习中往往起着监督的作用.例如很多人童年都贪玩,父母往往会坐在一边看着孩子学习.
I was often asked by my aunt for how to communicate with my cousin, because she believed that her son tended not to talk with her rather than his classmates. In fact, just like my cousin, accumulating concerns about whether children's parents or their peers showed more crucial in children's way to success in school. Some of us may confer their parents the credit of success for their long-lasting care. However, as far as i am concerned, the classmates of the children should be more vital. Not only because of the children themselves, but also because of the environment they lives. 
First of all, Having generation gap between the parents and their children, one's mother or father understand their children no better than children's companions. Even on the same thing could they hold totally unlikely point of views. In the knowledge the children have learned, parents may own a different recognition. However, the classmates of children would stay in the same level with each other. therefor, communication between peers tend to be more frequent and easy. then children would be influenced considerably by the talks and questions of their companions. one good example of this would be myself. When i was in the middle school, i usually asked my desk-mate math problems. the reason why i did not ask my dad, who is a professor of a famous university, is he often lectured to me with many equations i had not learned yet. On the contrary, my friends could solve the problem in my familiar way. 
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