TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:guoguodan
【IBT机经-37】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past fifty years.
题目讨论的是祖父母的建议对我们是否有帮助的问题。题目给了一个判断“The advices given by our grandparents have little to do with the changes that has happened over the past fifty years (祖父母的建议对这五十年来发生的变化不起任何作用)”。诚然,祖父母不可避免地会和时代有些脱节,他们的建议难免会有些过时。但可不能否认的是,时代在变幻,很多事情的本质依然没变,而祖父母建议的珍贵之处就在于对本质地准确把握,对事物的洞察要比我们深刻,目光要比我们深远。所以,能否因祖父母对新生事物接受得慢就否定他们建议的价值是需要在作文中说明的。
1. 毋庸置疑的是祖父母比我们年长,生活阅历要比我们丰富得多。请结合你的实际生活,谈谈祖父母的建议是否有帮助过你?是怎么帮的?
回答: 生活小常识吧
2. 祖父母关于哪些方面的建议不会随着时间的推移而减弱它的指导作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 生活类的,打雷闪电不能站在树下面,糖类食品要密封储存不然就会招来蚂蚁,
3. 俗话说,不听老人言吃亏在眼前,请结合实际谈谈你对这句话的理解。
回答: 老人们经验丰富,有些我们完全不知道的事情,老人们却已经明白很多年了。比如我小时候跟我外公学习中番茄,外公告诉我每天早晨浇一次水就行,我非要一天浇无数遍,中午也浇,最后我的番茄死了
4. 请结合具体事例简述世界在过去的五十年里发生了哪些变化?祖父母不可避免地在某些方面与很多新事物发生了脱节,请结合具体事例简述这个现象。
回答: 科技变化是祖父母们无法实时跟进的,比如网络,还有一些随着科技而被推翻的旧理论,随之诞生的新理论祖父母们就无法接受了
5. 祖父母对于这些新生事物的某些观点依然具有很高的参考价值,你同意吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 同意。marriage
we are now living in a brand new era. the world has been under tremendous change that every body are pushed forward. the times of our grandparents fade away. but, the sheer passage of time can not take away their glory and their experiences are priceless for our young. so i totally disagree with the idea that the advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world may changed a lot but the truth will last forever. my grandfather is a farmer for his whole life. he still does farm work in his little village even he is nearly 80 years old due to his great healthy situation. he never smokes and only has a little drink when holidays that the whole family get together. he believes that smoke does great harm to human, so does over drinking. all his sons and daughters are told about this points and none of them ever breaks the rules. and today, i myself and my cousins keep distance with cigars and alcohol. every one in my family follows my grandfather's words and the words are proved absolutely right during many years. i was brought up by my grandparents, not to mention my father. so both of us learn quite a lot from my grandparents. when i was little, the old man often took me to the field. when the birds and many kinds of insects flew rather low he told me it was about to rain. after we got home the heavy rain poured out from the sky together with the bright lightening and loud storm. i was impressed by the superb natural view but my grandfather stopped me from getting outside, standing under a tree and watching the lightening for the lightening may hit the tall objects. believe it or not, it really happened! the tallest tree in my village was hit and burn to die. i admired my grandfather ever since. and countless useful lessons he taught to me significantly help me both in my childhood and adulthood. although the modern technology has developed beyond the elders' ability to catch up with , my grandfather's simply but practical theories make him never out of date. even today, his advices about marriage and career still play an important role in my mind.
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