TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 你的家乡在哪儿?你不喜欢家乡的哪些方面?为什么?
回答: 牡丹江市 小区里的垃圾桶 使人反胃 尤其在夏天时 路过它旁边 会散发出 难闻的气味
2. 家乡存在这个问题的原因是什么?
回答: 垃圾桶离 居民楼太近 ,夏天天热 垃圾若放置时间长 易腐烂 变质 ,即使不是夏天 路过 也觉得恶心 影响吃饭时的食欲
3. 应该怎么改进这个方面,具体的措施是什么?
回答: 将垃圾桶 离居民楼 远一些, 增加每一周来收垃圾的次数 ,如果是夏天 至少 两天 来收一次垃圾
If I could change one important thing about your hometown, I will solve the problem of garbage can. If this problem can be solved, the life of people will become more comfortable. And people think that the world is more beautiful than before.
The problem of garbage can is an old problem. The garbage can is laid to building which my home belongs to immediately. The number of the garbage can is very small. And the cleaning of garbage truck is not always on time. The garbage is usually full. And some garbage falls off the can and drops on the floor. This makes me disgusted. Especially in the summer, the weather is so hot. Some garbage decays and smells very bad. I still remember when I was a pupil student, the problem of garbage can had existed. I went home for lunch and had to pass by the garbage can. The smell of garbage made me disgusted. After smelling that, I had no desire to eat anything, even if the lunch is my favorite food. Sometimes I had to hold my breath and run home.
The method to solve this problem has also existed. First, the garbage can could be lay in the place which is a little far from the building. And the number of garbage can must also add. Second, the garbage truck deals with the garbage can twice in a week. When summer comes, the garbage will be clean in two days. After these have been done, I think the people will smell the fresh air instead of the smelling of garbage. The life will become much better than before.
 这一篇 Exposition 不同 之前写的比较性议论文 和是非类 因果类 议论文
我就围绕 三方面展开 why/ what/ how
1.请老师从 Exposition 文章 写法上 讲一讲 这么写对吗? 若不对请您 讲讲 该如何写?
2. 按考试 要求 严格批改 ,如例子 是否恰当?等
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