TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:haha_340
Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 与同学一起学习时,别人会对你有哪些影响?
回答: 1督促我学习。自己学习时总是会有惰性,和同学在一起学习时会专注的学习,开小差的机会较少。2遇到问题时,可以相互讨论,交换看法,开拓思路,更多时候在争执中加深理解与记忆。
2. 独自学习时你的效率高吗?存在哪些问题?
回答: 有时候高,有时候不高。总的来说,短期来说,独自学习时,效率还不错,可是总是坚持不了太长的时间,而且,当一而再,再而三遇到挫折时,非常郁闷,也没有难兄难妹的鼓励,容易萌生放弃的念头。遇到难题时,有时会花费很长时间去思考,而且结果还是错的,浪费时间和精力。
3. 你更喜欢独自学习还是和别人一起学习?为什么?
回答: 和别人一起学习。原因如下:1自己惰性较大,有伴儿一起学习会提高学习积极性。2通过相互间讨论可以更快的解决问题。3遇到挫折时,相互鼓励,增加信心;有经验或者资料时可以互相分享。
Some students are more efficient when they study alone, while others do better when study with a group of students. Obviously, both have advantages. To me, I prefer to study in group.
First of all, studying in group can improve students' enthusiasm to study. People always have inertia and so they lack enough determination to complete their goals, although they know they should do. Accompanied by others, people are more likely to overcome their inertia. Imagine that a student wants to play games, when he notices that his partner is reading carefully besides him, will he go to play? Customarily, he will throw away the thought to play and devote to what he was doing before. A group creates a good environment for study and others' stamina spurs to insist.
In a group, through discussion, students have an easier access to solve problems. Just as the saying goes, one hundred audiences have one hundred Hamlets in their heart. They view problems from various angles. Different opinions not only increase the chance to find right solutions but also stimulate them to think more broadly and deeply. For instance, once I was puzzled by a math question, though I spent several hours thinking about it. I complained it to my friend Sue, and her words reminded me another method. Then I solved it soon.
Share is another essential advantage of studying in group. Studying demands enthusiasm, techniques as well as perseverance. Group offers students a platform to share their experience and references, and then students can take advantage of them to promote their efficiency. What's more, students may face with frustration and difficulties. It is the time that they need others' encouragement and support to get confidence. Group study meets this criteria well.
However, students probably chat when they are studying together. Also, too much discussion might distract from the key point and lowers their efficiency. By reminding each other of them now and then, they can minimize the bad effects. Therefore, I think it is better to study in group.
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